Did you miss me?- P1

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bow_down has added QueenOfHearts, No1_pan_fan, emmasliteralbae and fuckdalmations to a chat
bow_down: Guess what!
No1_pan_fan: ooh! Does my bae have an amazing idea!
bow_down: ...
bow_down: anyone else guess what!
emmasliteralbae: ...whose heart do you want this time?
bow_down: oh wow
bow_down: I only needed hearts a couple of times!
emmasliteralbae: god! No wonder papa hates you!
QueenOfHearts: Eugh you better not be wasting my time leaflover
bow_down: Seriously?!
bow_down: My plan will never work with you idiots!
fuckdalmations: This stupid buzzing in my phone caused me to ruin my stitches. I was making a fur coat. What is this plan?
bow_down: only the best thing ever...

RedWolf has requested a general chat
RedWolf: Don't wanna worry you guys or anything, but the dead are rising...
RedWolf: i can smell them
RedWolf: they're not far
RedWolf: hello?
yay_birds: Sorry we're all too busy panicking to reply
Charming: and hiding our babies
RedWolf: ...
e_saviour: holy cake this is bad.
e_saviour: what do we doooo
not_evil: calm it...we don't know what they want
CaptainSwan4eva: isn't it kinda obvious:
not_evil: um?
e_saviour: I let him use my Netflix too often
not_evil: ...I would never use your Netflix
e_saviour: bow is not the time!
TheTruestBeliever: dad will be there!
AmazingGrace: oh my bambie... He will be evil...
TheTruestBeliever: don't say that!
AmazingGrace: protect your child! Not your DEAD dad!
RedWolf: don't mean to worry you guys, but they're getting close...
Special thanks to RobbieODonoghu for the idea- it's great. Hope to continue soon.

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