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Bow_down: If they would raise anyone back from the dead who would it be?
Bow_down: since I nearly killed a couple of them j guess I'm not in their favour. :( can't imagine the problem with that
No1_pan_fan: iiii wooullldd raiiisse you Pettterrr
Bow_down: that's because you have a crush on me....
No1_pan_fan has left the chat
ihate_regina: I'm already back!
QueenOfHearts: you would raise me, wouldn't you Zelena?
ihate_regina: no! Bitch! You abandoned me!
QueenOfHearts: I had my reasons!
ihate_regina: they're not valid!
emmasliteralbae: and no one gives a flying monkey! Besides they would obviously raise me from the dead. I'm like the one dead good guy
Bow_down: being good is so dead doe
QueenOfHearts: its overrated
emmasliteralbae: #icameheretohaveagoodtimeandiamhonestlyfeelingsoattackedrightnow
ihate_regina: *eye roll*
Bow_down: we shod have our own show for all the dead characters
emmasliteralbae: no offence but a lot of people hate you guys
Bow_down: but I'm so buff!
QueenOfHearts: and you're like a billion years old soooo...
ihate_regina: It is better to be feared than loved.
QueenOfHearts: That is why I took out my heart...
Bow_down: Oh yeah! We all have the fact we had some sort of weird complex relationship with Rumplestiltskin!
ihate_regina: he kissed me!
QueenOfHearts: what?! He was my first love!
ihate_regina: ...ew
emmasliteralbae: Wow...Papa was a player...
Lolll.....I started a Jon Snow Game Of Thrones fanfic if you're interested its called Jon Snow AU
Oh! 40th upload here! I'm sooooo happy with the progress so you're stuck with me for a while! Thanks, see ya!

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