Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

    Dez Westmond P.O.V

        My phone vibrated in my pocket as I tried to straighten my hair.  Today was another horrible day in college.  Let us just get something straight.  I did not want to come here.  My idiot mother made me.   I looked nothing like my parents.  Both of them had jet back hair, while I was stuck with Strawberry Shortcake hair.  It was just regular Shortcake girl hair, I had red, thick, and not to mention frizzy, hair.

   "Dez!" Bree called from her bed.  If you couldn't tell I was in the bathroom.  "The least you could do is answer my texts!"  I will admit, rooming with a girl still suffering from a heartbreak, got annoying.  Either it was abandonment issues, which I clearly don't understand since she left him.  Or, watching TV and when a picture of Harry comes up, yelling that he is a  no good womanizer.  Can that girl ever make up her mind?

   I rolled my eyes, before adding some hairspray onto my hair.  I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and deleted all of Bree's messages before walking out of the bathroom.  Bree sat on her bed, fiddling with the letter she had recieved a day ago.  "It's a letter to a baby shower."

   "What?" I asked, confused by who's having a baby.  "Who's having a little Tasmanian Devil?"

    "Autumn.  My bestfriend.  She got herself pregnant," Bree sighed, leaning back onto her bed.  SHe covered her eyes with her hands, taking deep breaths.

   "Hey," I soothed, "What's wrong?"  Her chest began to rise with her sobs.

   She sat up, her cheeks stained with a few tears.  "I just feel so forgotten.  Autumn's pregnant.  Niall has a new girlfriend.  Next thing I know, I'll be getting an invitation to Rebecka and Liam's wedding."

    "If they still remember to send you and invitation, then your not that forgotten." I tried.  She looked up at me, sending a glare.  "Come on, let's go grab some Starbucks."


    Harry Styles P.O.V

   "But, Niall, we have to go to the downtown Starbucks!  I get sick at the uptown one..." Mia whined, giving her ponytail a flip.  That girl was so annoying.  If you couldn't tell, we were trying to decided which Starbucks to go to.  By we, I mean, me, Niall, Mia, and Rebecka.  Liam had decided to go to breakfast with Autumn, Lou, and Zayn.

   "Isn't the coffee still the same?"  Rebecka asked, crossing her arms as we stood on the sidewalk.  She had her blond hair bundled up into a bun, and she was hardly visible due to the oversized hoodie she wore.

  "No.  My favorite coffee, the Vanilla Latte, sucks at uptown.  Downtown takes it to the full potential." Mia explained, nodding her head at our reactions.

   "Fine." I sighed.  "Lets go to downtown."

  By the time we reached Starbucks, the pain in my heart was nearly unbearable.  I could still recall the exact place I spilled my coffee on Bree.  The exact  table we sat in.  Her order.  Everything.

  Opening the door, Mia broke me from my thoughts.  "Harry, you and Rebecka get our orders.  Niall and I will find our table."  With that, Mia and Niall were gone.

   "I can't stand her," Rebecka growled.  Yes, she growled. 

  "Who can?"  I asked, shoving my hands into the pocket of my jeans.  Rebecka just nodded her head.  No one could stand Mia.  She thought of us as her slaves.  Making us do every little thing for her.

   "Oh.  My.  God," Rebecka gasped.  Her eyes gave it all away.  She saw some one.  Someone she hadn't seen in a while.

   "What?"  I asked, wanting to get an answer out of her.  She simply looked up at me and shook her head.  As if trying to get the sight out.

   "Nothing," she quickly covered up, trying to turn my head away.

  "What are you-"  I couldn't finish.  Why?  Because I knew exactly who Rebecka saw.  Bree.  She didn't even change a bit.  Her brown hair was maybe an inch shorter, but who can tell when it's in a ponytail.  The only thing that changed was the way she acted.  No, I hadnt had a proper conversation with her yet, but I could tell.  She looked around the cafe, making sure she didn't see anyone she knew.  As if she was afraid too.

   "Harry?"  Rebecka asked, snapping me from my gaze.  "We have to go sit down."  Unfortunately, Mia chose a table across the room, farther from Bree than I  wanted to be.

  "Oh my gosh!" Mia shouted.  Why was she shouting? "Harry, thats your ex-girlfriend!  Bree!  Over here!"  Oh, how I wanted to stab her right now.

   I turned around to see Bree looking at us, trying to force a smile.  The girl she was sitting with ased her something and she nodded her head.  Bree picked up her coffee and hopped off her chair.  Great, now she is going to leave and I won't see her again.  Thanks Mia. 


Bree Adamson P.O.V

     I needed to talk to them again.  I needed to hear Harry's voice again.  Rebecka's sarcasticness.  Niall's cluelessness.  I missed it.  I missed it alot.  Hopping off my chair, I grabbed my coffee and began to work my way over.  Left.  Right.  Left.  Right.  I counted mys steps to make sure I didn't fall.

  "Hey," I smiled, walking up to their table.  Rebecka was the first one to greet me.  She leaped up from her chair and pulled me into a warm embrace.

  "Where have you been!" she began to scold.  "Only two phone calls a week, hardly any skype calls!  I thought you might have died!"  I couldn't help but laugh. 

   "After years of wanting me gone, Rebecka Sweet wants me back?" I asked, laughing.   Dez quickly cleared her throat, reminding me of my manners.  "Oh.  Guys, this is Desiree Westmond.  She's my roomate."

     Dez waved before making it clear that she preferred to be called Dez.I looked over only to lock eyes with Harry.  I could have stared into them forever.  I knew my limits though.  "Hey," I said to him, breaking the gaze.

   "Hey," he greeted back.  Words couldn't describe how great it felt to hear his voice again.  He ran a hand through his curls before taking a sip from his coffee.

  "So, have a new boyfriend yet?"  Rebecka asked, smirking.  Harry nearly choked on his coffee.  I let out a sigh as Rebecka's smirk grew bigger.  "You do!"

   "I don't have a new boyfriend, but I have gone on a few dates with a guy in my Literature class,"  I confessed.  Harry kept his eye on his coffee, not making any sounds.

  "I have a date tonight, too," Harry blurted.  Niall and Rebecka looked at him, as if in a state of shock. "Yes, I do.  She should be hear any......"  He trailed off as he noticed a girl walk into through the door. "There she is!"

   The girl noticed him and began to walk over.  Did he really have a date?  "There you are....." Harry trailed off, searching to remember a name.

   Dez coughed a simple, 'Womanizer', before recieving an elbow in the stomach from me.   "Zoe" the girl coughed.  She had shoulder length brown hair and was only a few inches taller than me.

   "Zoe!  Everyone, this is Zoe."


    A/N  So this is Chapter Three.....Zoe will become pretty important in Bree and Harry's love story.  So Bree knows Autumn's pregnant and Dez just met Niall.  Alot of things happened in this chapter.......I'm sorry for the long update!  I've had alot of schoolwork and havn't been able to update!

                 Thanks Rainbows!

                                       Rae <3 xxxx

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