Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

Rebecka Sweet P.O.V

  "Remind me again, why I agreed to come here?" I asked Liam as we strolled, hand in hand, through Thorpe Park.  After arriving, Liam, and I had quickly separated ourselves from the rest of the group, not. wanting to get caught up in drama.  For the last half hour, we had walked around, talking, laughing, smiling.  It was probably one of the best days of my life.

  "To break up Niall and Mia?'' Liam spitfired, a laugh following.  I couldn't help but smile at how well he knew me.  Even if we hadn't known each other for a while.  He was, of course, right.  I hated 'Nia' as the fans called it.  Hardly anyone shipped it, and I was part of that percent.

   "I just want that woman gone.  I mean, do you see my hair?"  I exclaimed, grabbing a piece of my, once long, blond hair now short and choppy.  Yes, the day Mia took Autumn and I to the salon, she cut my hair.  I had no idea she did that, and I sure wasn't happy.

  "I like it," Liam smiled, leaning towards me, placing a kiss on my nose. "It suits you."  I couldn't help but giggle at his adorableness. 

   "Becky!" a voice called from somewhere behind us.  I groaned as I recognized the high pitched, squeaky, annoying voice.  Mia Galloway.  I sighed, turning around, plastering a fake smile on my face.

   "Mia," I expected to see Niall with her, holding her hand, prepping to her every need.  Instead, he was behind her, talking to Dez, Bree's roommate. 

   "Great!  Now that I've got your attention, we just need to get them  to come with us, and we can spend the rest of the day together!" That last bit caught my attention.  The whole day?  With Mia?

  "Excuse me, I never agreed to this!' I exclaimed, flabbergasted.  I looked over to Niall and Dez.  They were both lost in their own little conversation.  Finally, I looked up to Liam, my eyes begging for help to get out of this.

    Liam licked his lips, trying to get words to come out.  None did.  Finally, after several painstaking moments, he finally spoke.  "We'd love to join you."


Bree Adamson P.O.V

     "I can't believe you told Rebecka before me!  Of all people, you told her!" I exploded.  How could Autumn do this to me?  I was her best friend!  Not Rebecka! 

   "Can't believe me!?  I'm not the one who abandoned her best friend just because she was heart broken!" Autumn shouted back, her voice echoing through the bathroom.  I stuttered for a moment, unsure what to come back with.  Although I hate to admit, I did abandon her.  "And.....I don't even think I know who you are anymore!"

   "What?" I asked, taken aback by her comment.  I was still the same Bree, wasn't I?

   "Oh, like you don't know!  This, Bree, the one who wears heels, and skirts, and fancy clothes-She isn't Bree!"  I looked down at my clothes.  Tank top, shorts, converse.  It was probably the first time I wore sneakers in a while.

   "Who are you?" I answered back, my turn to question her.  "The Autumn I knew, would never let a guy take advantage of her that fast.  Let alone get pregnant!"

  "Don't hold my mistakes against me! You think I don't know this?  I've yelled at myself hundreds of times!  I can't even tell Louis!"

   I looked at her for a moment, confused.  She hadn't told him?  Why? 

    I must've said that aloud, because Autumn was quick to answer.  "He's at the height of his career, I can't ruin it."

   "Autumn, I'm sorry," That phrase was all I had left to say.  I had nothing to accuse her of.  I was a jerk.  She was pregnant.  I only thought of myself this whole time...not what someone else -my best friend- may be going through, "I should have been the-"

"Don't regret stuff now, Bree," Autumn glared, "You left me. I didn't leave you, but you gave me no choice."

  "Everyone makes mistakes, don't they?  We're eighteen, just experiencing the world.  I'm not perfect," I retorted, sending a glare in return. 

  "Yeah, they do.  I missed you.  Like crazy.  But what did you do?  Stayed away, leaving me without my best friend."

  What was it, 'make Bree feel bad' day?  It sure feels like it, whether it is or not. 

    "You think I meant to?  I thought you would come attend Manchester too!  I never thought....this," I motioned my hands up and down, "Would happen!"

   "Autumn! Bree!" a voice called from outside the restroom, or instead of just a voice, Louis' voice. 

   At the sound of his voice, Autumn cringed.  I could tell by the look in her eyes she feared he had heard her.  She took a step forward, stopped, and turned to look at me.

   "You're like my sister, Bree.  I missed you," she took a breath before continuing. "I'm just glad to have you back."  Her hazel eyes began to water.  I stretched out my arms, pulling her into a hug.  For the first time in a long while, I began to feel at home.


Autumn Conway P.O.V

  I ran a hand through my hair as I made a heart wrenching decision.  I was going to tell Louis what I had been from him for way too long.  After my conversation with Bree, I had realized what secrets can do to a relationship.  Yes, that sounded like a Dr.Phil message, but it was true.  Bree and Harry had caught up with Rebecka, Liam, and Mia.  Much to Harry's despair and Bree's liking.  Dez and Niall were still M.I.A, while Louis and I took a stroll around London.  I had asked him to leave the park, saying I wanted to tell him something important. He, wanting to know what I had to say, agreed

   "So, what did you want to tell me?" He asked, his usual perky voice, turning softer as he noticed my expression. 

        I opened my mouth to speak, but quickly closed it.  They stares and looks people were giving me made me decide here, right now, wasn't right.  Taking Louis' hand in mine, I began to pull him down the street.
   "Babe, where are we going?" I cringed at the word 'babe'.  I shook it off, not answering his question. 
    I looked up at street signs, shop signs, anything pointing to where I wanted to tell him this.  Over the past few months, I began to remember where everything was.  Except this place.  One that I would remember forever.
    "Isn't this the road to the London Eye?" Louis asked.  I turned around, smiling at him.  He returned it, recalling our first encounter.  "I believe I saw you about two blocks back, and followed you until I was sure you were lost."
   "Excuse me?" I couldn't help but laugh, "You stalked me?"
    "I wouldn't call it stalking, just simply-"
     His voice was cut off by the sight of the huge Ferris Wheel coming into view.  I remembered when we first arrived here, at this spot.  I was so mesmerized by the attraction, I actually thought Louis had called it ''Beautiful".   Until we started dating, I never thought he was looking at me that whole time.
     "So, are you going to tell me now?" He asked again, his voice starting to sound impatient.    

I looked around once again and noticed that if I told him in the London Eye, we would be surrounded by more people than we were now.
    "Yes," I breathed, "Just, promise not to flip out, okay?" 
    "Of course!  Why would I?"
      "Autumn?  You can tell me anything.  You do know that, right?"
     "Louis, I'm pregnant."
A/N TA DA!  Autumn finally tells Louis!  I was going to delay it until further in the book, but I just couldn't wait any longer!  The next chapter will be continuing this one and it should be up soon!  Promise!
                        Question:  Who do you like better: UnionJ or District3?
                                                 Thanks Rainbows!
                                                   Rae <3 xoxo


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