Chapter Thirteen

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(A/N : Thank you to Kat for giving me the Zouis/Barry idea.)

Chapter Thirteen

Bree Adamson P.O.V

   "So," I said, trying to break the awkward silence between me and Harry.  After eating lunch, we had decided to take a walk around London.  Something that I found myself doing quite a bit.  I looked up at Harry, his curls falling slightly in his face.  Not to much that you couldn't see his eyes, but scraping the top of his eyelids.  I felt the urge to stand on my tiptoes, reaching his height, and brush them out.  Unfortunately, I put a crack in that bridge.  "How have things been?"

   Harry looked at me funny, probably because we just spent the last hour and a half talking about that particular subject.  Though, it was the only thing I could come up with you.  "Oh, you know, just been heartbroken.  Did you hear my last girl friend left me at an airport?"  He looked down at me, grinning.

   I punched him lightly in the arm.  "No way!"  I teased, trying to act surprised.  "My last boyfriend hunted me down, until he found me, and then I left him at an airport!"

  Harry just smiled, nudging me lightly.  "You know," He half laughed, "I'm glad we can just be friends."  He looked down at me, putting his hands in his pockets.  "It's nice to get to know you better."

   I smiled, nodding my head.  It was nice.  I knew Harry better now, than I probably would have if we were still dating.  ''Is that Louis?" 

   Harry raised an eyebrow, following my pointed finger, to where a familiar red car was pulling up near us.  "I think that is," he clarified, laughing a little.  "Why would he be here?"

   To both of our surprise, two men stepped out of the car.  Louis.  And Zayn.  "Hey," Louis called, his face reaction clearly stating he was acting surprised.  "Look Zayn, it's Harry!  And Bree is with him!"

   I rolled my eyes at the two.  At least it isn't Ziall.  When they were together, bad things were bound to happen.  Bad things.  "Hey," I smiled, coldly.

  "Where you guys heading?"  Zayn asked, looking up from his phone.  Harry looked curiously up at the two.

   "Just taking a walk,"  He answered cautiously, clearly understanding that they were up to something.  "What were you two going to do?"

    "Oh, you know," Louis said, using his hands as he spoke.  "Just getting ready to take a ride.  Jamming to music."

   "Shouldn't you be with Autumn?"  I asked.  "You know, planning your trip to tell her parents.  That she's pregnant?" I looked at him curiously.  He just simply shook his head, 'no'.

  "Would you guys like to join us?"  Zayn mumbled, as if trying to sound as casual as possible about it.  I looked up at Harry, making eye contact with him, as if I was actually asking him.

   "Sure," Harry smiled, annoyed. "Why not?"


  After we had gotten in the car, Louis had driven us out of London, and somewhere into the countryside.  "Lou," I asked, trying to peer out my window.  "Where exactly are we going?"

   Louis shrugged his shoulders, "I'm not so sure."  He kept his eyes on the road, but I was almost positive he could see me glaring at him.

  "You're not sure?"  Harry asked, his voice gave away the fact that he was annoyed.  "How can you ask us to come with you, and then not know, where you're taking us?"

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