Chapter Sixteen

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Bree Adamson P.O.V

  "What do you mean they left?" I asked, trying not to sound desperate.  No, this could not be happening. I could not be left here with him.  Absolutely not.

  "I mean, they're gone.  As in bye, bye, outta here, not coming back," Harry answered, a bit of annoyance dripping into his tone.  "I went back, and the car was gone."

   "Do you think they planned this?"  I asked, looking over at Harry.  His eyes weren't filled with worry at all.  As if, this weren't the worse thing that could happen. 

   "What do you mean?"  He asked, crossing his arms over his chest, leaning against a tree.  "Like planning on leaving us in the middle of the woods?"

   I nodded my head.  "I mean they went through crazy lengths to get Rebecka and Liam together, maybe they were doing this to get us back together." 

   Harry looked down at the ground, slowly processing the information.  "That was Ziall, This is Zous. Do you really think-"

  "Harry, they picked us off of the street, asked us to take a leisurely drive in the middle of nowhere.  Then, they drop us off, making sure were together, and drive off into the sunset as if nothing ever happened.  I think they planned it."

   "Why would they want to get us back together?  I mean, if we were to ever- you know, get in a relationship again- shouldn't they let us decided that?" Harry asked, putting his hand in his pockets, trying not to make this any more awkward.

I shrugged my shoulders.  "Maybe they thought we wouldn't be able to bring ourselves to it on our own."

"Why would they think that?"

"I don't know.  Maybe because of the hurt we went through?  Maybe they thought we would be scared of history repeating itself."

  "People make mistakes, Bree.  You should give them the opportunity to fix them."

   "The doors wide open.  What's inside is just a little bit more guarded than before."

  "Second times a charm."

  "I believe the sayings third times a charm."

  "Same difference."

  "Look, Harry, instead of arguing over this, shouldn't we try to find help?  Or maybe figure out where we are?"

  Harry nodded his head, pulling out his black berry.  "I don't have service."

  "Same here," I sighed, locking my I-Phone.  Why did this have to happen?  "Should we continue to look for signal?"

   "If we want to get out of here, then yeah," He sighed.  "Should we like, climb trees until we get bars or...?"

  I raised an eyebrow.  "Don't they normally only do that in movies?"

   Harry shrugged, beginning to walk over towards a few rocks. Hopping on top of one, he raised his phone up in the air.   "Seriously?"  I asked, crossing my arms over my chest. 

    Harry grinned, laughing slightly to himself.  "What carrier do you have?" 

   "Verizion," I answered, questioning why he asked me such a random question.

    "Aren't they supposed to have, like, signal everywhere?"

    "It's lies I tell you.  It's all lies."

    "Come on," he motioned to the rock next to him.

     "Excuse me?"  I asked, raising an eyebrow. 

   He motioned to the rock once again.  "You wanna get out of here, then come on up, and try to get signal."  

 I laughed silently to myself, stepping onto the rock.  "If this doesn't work, I will hurt you."  Raising my phone up, moving it from side to side.

"So," Harry asked, trying to break the silence.  "How's your mom and sister been?"   

"Good, I think," I answered, coming up with the only answer I could think of.  "Bella is coming back for some sort of exchange program, and I think my mom is doing pretty well."

  "That's good.  My mom asked about you the other day.  She wanted me to tell you she said hi, and hoped you were doing okay," He stated, moving his phone to the other side of the rock.

   "She still asks about me?" I asked, taking a step back.  "I never really thought she particularly liked-" I took another step, my foot catching a odd wet spot on the rock.  Unable to catch my balance, I fell backwards, landing in some sort of natural water figure.

   "Bree!"  Harry shouted, reaching his hand down to help me up.

   I squeezed my eyes shut, taking a deep breath.  "What exactly did I land in?"  I asked, not wanting to see what is now covering my clothes.

   "It looks like a swamp," Harry chuckled.  I could hear him hop down from the rock and land in the water.     "You're soaked."

   "No dip, Sherlock" I snapped, opening my eyes.  The water was up to waist, completely covering my jeans, and soaking my boots.  I looked up at Harry who was holding back laughter.  "Shut up."

  He raised his hand up in surrender.  "I didn't say anything."

  "You would've," I growled, shooting him a glare.  He simply laughed, reaching his hand out to help me up. 

   "Take it.  You don't wanna sit in mud all day, do you?"  I looked up at him, then his hand, grabbing it I pulled myself up, only to slip again.

   Harry arms instinctively wrapped around my waist, making sure I wouldn't fall again.  "God, I hate these shoes," I mumbled, looking up at Harry.

   "As long as they make you slip when I'm around, I love them," Harry smirked, looking down at me.  I rolled my eyes, laughing as I did so.

   "Are you flirting with me?" I asked. 

   "When am I not?"  It was then when I realized how close our faces had gotten.  I swallowed the lump in my throat, my eyes darting back from his eyes to his lips.

  "Harry," I whispered, beginning to pull away, but his grip on my waist got tighter, pulling me closer.  "Don't."

   "Bree," He whispered back, his voice becoming raspier by the second.  He leaned in, the feeling of his breath becoming more familiar. 

  Our lips were nearly together, my heart was pounding, so loud I thought he might hear it.  A loud vibration startled us.  Harry pulled back, releasing his grip on me.  My heart slowed down as I unlocked my phone.

   Incoming call: Autumn :) <3

  Great, I get one chance to finally kiss the man I'm in love with , and who ruins it?  None other than my best friend.



  I know. I know.  This chapter took forever.  To be honest, I couldn't decide how to write this.  Also, I recently got a new puppy (A nine week old German Shepard) Who loves to whine all night long.  Yay. 

     So on another note, Barry.  Barry.  Barry.  A whole chapter about Barry.  I have quite a few more ideas for them, before they get - Well I can't tell you.  Only Spoilers:  Paris.  Eiffel Tower.  And a very nice dress.

   I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, and don't forget to vote, comment, and share!!!

 Question Time!!!  Q: What's your favorite TV Show?   Mine is Glee, Pretty Little Liars, and Once Upon A Time.  (My Great- Aunt plays Corra on that show!!! EEP!!!)

    Thanks Rainbows!!!

                Rae <3 xxx

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