Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

Bree Adamson P.O.V

  "What is your problem?"  Autumn asked, following me into her apartment.  Now, don't get me wrong, I was happy Autumn got me and Harry out of the woods, but she couldn't have had worse timing.

   The ride back here was horrid.  No one talked.  The only noise for a large portion of the ride was simply breathing.  Of course, until Autumn couldn't stand it anymore and turned on the radio.  We dropped Harry off at his place, and quickly drove back to Autumn and Rebecka's flat.

   "I don't have a problem,"  I stated, pulling out one of the bar chairs and pulled my self up onto it. "I'm just tired, thats all."

   Autumn shook her head, not buying it.  "How long have I known you? Like, your entire life?  Yeah, I know that face.  It's your annoyed face.  Not a tired face."

    I shook my head. "Lets just say, your timing sucks."

    "What do  Not possible-You mean....?"  Autumn trailed off, a look of shock taking over her face.

   I nodded.  "Yep."

    "I thought you were over him?"

   I looked up at her, shocked.  "Why would you ever think that?"

   She shrugged her shoulders.  "I dunno.  You just seemed to be going out on dates with other people, I just thought you were done with him."

   "What can I say, I'm a sucker for green eyes."  I shrugged.

  Autumn let out a small giggle, about to say something, before a ring on the doorbell cut her off.  Pulling her hair up into a bun, she quickly ran to the door.

   It wasn't much of a surprise it was Louis.  He was always here.  He stepped in, wrapping Autumn in a hug.  He had just pulled apart from her when from the corner of his eyes he saw me; sitting crossed legged, arms crossed.

    "Bree," Louis breathed.  "I-Wha-How'd you get-" 

    "Autumn picked me and Harry up.  After you left us in the middle of nowhere."  I smiled coldly at him, trying my best not to pounce and murder him.

  He stayed quiet, acknowledging the fact that I wanted to kill him.  "Bree," Autumn spoke, breaking my glare from Louis, my eyes resting on her now.  "Louis and I were going to go shopping, would you like to come?"

    "Is he driving?" I asked, motioning to Louis.  "I will never get into a moving vehicle with him again."

   "I can drive," Autumn stated, only to recieve a worried glance from Louis.  "I'm pregnant.  Not stupid.  I know how to drive a vehicle."

    "Do you have a liscence to drive in the U.K?" He intergected.

     "As a matter of fact, I do.  I got it two weeks ago. Plus I just drove Bree and Harry home."

    "Well, pregnant ladies have baby brain.  We wouldn't want a accident, now, do we?"

     "I just drove a car."

     "That doesn't mean-"

     "What are you more worried about? Your car, or me?"

    Louis stuttered for a minute, deciding what would be the right one to say without getting slapped, and letting his girlfriend drive his who-knows-how-many-billion dollar car.

    "Exactly," Autumn smiled, grabbing his keys from his hand.


Rebecka Sweet P.O.V

    "Bloody Mary, please,"  I smiled kindly at the bartender.  He nodded his head before getting to work on my beverage.  Turning around, I took in the scene.  Dez and Niall were flirting; hair twirling and shoulder shrugging made it even more obvious.

   Josh was talking to a group of girls who had clearly recognized him, and Liam was in the bathroom.   "M'am?"  The bartender asked, handing me my drink.  I took it from his hands, picking the olive off of the cup, popping it into my mouth.

      "Well, it isn't every night I see a girl whose first drink is a Bloody Mary,"  a voice stated from behind me.  I turned around, catching sight of a young guy, around my age smirking. 

     "I like the bitter taste to it.  It reminds me of home,"  I shrugged, taking another sip.

    He chuckled, grabbing a towel and some bottles, beginning to go back to work. "What brings you down here?"

    "My boyfriend and his friends wanted to come to a club.  What else do I have to do on a Friday?"

   "Boyfriend?  Where'd he run off to?" The bartender asked looking around, a smirk still on his face.

   "Whats your name?" I asked, changing the subject, and taking another gulp of my alcohal.

   "Nathan.  Yours?"

    "Rebecka.  May I get a refill?"  I asked, twirling my cup in my hand.

    " Course, Becka," He smirked, taking the drink from my hand.

       Nathan.  Why did that name, and his face seem so familiar to me?


   A/N   Hello my lovelies!!!!

            Sorry I haven't updated in like, forever, but i've been horribly busy!  I know, excuses, excuses.  Anyway,  hope you liked the chapter!  I will try to get the next one up as soon as possible!

    Q:  What importance do you think Nathan will play in Libecka's love story?

                                                      Thanks Rainbows!!!

                                                             XXX Rae <3

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