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I lay on my back lazily

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I lay on my back lazily. tossing a netball up in the air and easily catching it when it came back down, repeating the process over and over again with no struggle.

I stayed doing that for a while until my mums voice rang through the house 'Izzy, get down here he'll be here soon.' I rolled my eyes. I didn't want to see him, 'him' being Arlette's boyfriend that she won't shut up about, because it meant that I'd just have to see Arlette's tongue down his throat all day and listen to her brag about she has a boyfriend and I don't.

'I'm coming.' I shouted back and hopped off of my bed checking that my hair wasn't to crazy before walking down the stairs. I walked into the kitchen and was greeted by the rest of my family all sitting around the table. 'Izzy, come help me with the salad please.' mum asked and I nod grabbing the knife and taking over the role of chopping vegies.

'does everyone remember what I said before?' Arlette asked and everyone responds with muffled yes's. Arlette was the golden child of the family, getting straight a's in almost every subject and she knew how much it pissed me off so she made sure to rub it in.

'well just remember don't overwhelm him with questions and please be kind.'

'since when am I not?' Alex says causing me and Elijah (i know that's not arlette's brothers name but its actually nick and its to confusing if there's two nicks) to burst out laughing.

'you're the reason Abby broke up with Eli dumbass.'

'well you can thank me because she was a freak.' I laugh harder before Arlette interupts.

'shut up, he's gonna be here soon and I don't want him thinking that my family's mental.' She snaps and I roll my eyes.

'so you want him to think we're robots that don't have emotions.' I say and she glares at me.

'honey, calm down. you're a bit stressed about this so why don't you go sit in the living room and take a breather.' my mum suggests and Arlette walks away giving me one last look and i grin flipping her off. 'Isabella.' Mum says sternly 'do you need to go to your room and have a time out like a kid.' Alex and Elijah try to hide their laughs.

'nah, i'm all good.' I say and she rolls her eyes before leaving me alone. I finish the salad and then head upstairs to wash my hands and put on a clean top. I lay back on my bed and scroll through tiktok for a while until the doorbell rings.

'everyone ready? Izzy where are you?' Arlette shouts.

'chill, i'm coming.' I shout and run down the stairs.

'hi babe.' Arlette says as she stands on her tiptoes to kiss the boy. Alex makes a gagging noise and I muffle my laughter. Arlette looks like she's gonna kill him but then forces a smile.

'Nick this is my family, everyone this is Nick.' He smiles and I gaze at him. he had brown hair and blue eyes. He was an attractive guy, and he looked oddly familiar.

'Nick Daicos?' Eli says his jaw dropping. 'Arlette why didn't you tell us you were dating a footy player?' He says accusingly and she blushes.

'I didn't think it was that important.' She shrugs

'Really?' Eli says 'You didn't think to tell your brother who loves Collingwood that you were dating one of their best players'

'I thought he played for carlton until a couple weeks ago.' Arlette says ashamedly. I look at Nick who's standing there awkwardly.

'Nick come into the living room and take a seat, make yourself comfortable, don't worry we don't bite.' My mum laughs at her own joke 'would you like a drink of something, Isabella will get whatever you want for you.' I roll my eyes slightly.

'I'm all good thank you though Mrs Jones.'

'You can just call me Mary honey.'

'ok Mrs Jones.' He replies and I laugh. My mum looks at me but doesn't say anything and I catch nick grinning at me making me blush.

'Show nick around the house now please.' My mum says and I nod walking off with Nick following.

'Uhh, this is our hallway.' I say leading him around the rest of the house until we reach the living room. 'So how long have you and arlette been together for?' I ask him trying to start a conversation.

'like a couple of months, we kinda dated on and off in year 12 but just got together this year. she never talked about a sister though'

'Classic arlette. She hates me she probably wouldn't have ever told you about me if she didn't have to.' I laugh and he smiles at me again. god that smile.

'did you even go to school? cause i'm pretty sure I would've remembered if someone as pretty as you.' He smirks and I blush

'Of course I went to school I'm not stupid' I tease 'I just didn't go to your school, I wasn't smart enough to get a scholarship.' our chat is interupted when the others come into the room my mum holding drinks which she hands over to Nick. 'Should we go sit on the deck, it's a lovely day.' She suggests, we all agree and head outside, when we all get there Arlette sits right on Nick's lap and me and Alex both give each other a glance smirking at each other.

time skip

we're all saying goodbye to nick and Arlette pulls him in for a kiss. when the two pull apart he walks past me sending me a wink before leaving in his car. I feel a blush creeping up and try to ignore the feeling nick gives me, because i'll never in a million years get to be with him. because he's my sisters boyfriend.

hope u enjoyed. its not my best writing but i promise it'll get better its just the intro chapter kinda. thanks for reading. also ik that nick and arlette have been together way longer than 3 months but its just for the story and i don't want to make isabella a home wrecker.

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