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The rush of cool air from the aircon is welcoming as I walk into my house after a long couple of hours of intense netball training

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The rush of cool air from the aircon is welcoming as I walk into my house after a long couple of hours of intense netball training. I hadn't spoken to Nick since last night at the car and I was slightly worried that he regretted last night or something like that, but I'm pretty sure that was just me overthinking. I flop down on the couch and play my playlist through our speakers because no one was home to complain about my shit music taste. I'm scrolling through my instagram when a message from Annalise pops up at the top of my screen. I open it immediately as I've already become very fond of this girl but the message is not what I expected.

Ann 🥵
iz have u seen this yet?

and right underneath it is a link, I click on it and am taken to an article with a bold headline. My heart sinks and I feel the fear creep up in my chest:

Really Just Friends? Collingwood Star, Nick Daicos and Melbourne Vixen gun, Isabella Jones seen on various occasions together looking like their more than just friendly acquaintances.

Panic bubbles inside of me and I cautiously scroll through the article.

Multiple pictures have been circulating around social media platforms as the sporting pair have been seemingly very busy with each other over the past couple of weeks. New photos have come through just days after the two were spotted spending time together in the Collingwood Magpies locker rooms both before and after the game against Carlton.

The rumors about the pair first began when Daicos was spotted out and about enjoying a romantic moment with the Netballer in early May down at a bar in Saint Kilda, then later that month when the two were caught sharing a private moment in the locker rooms.

Daicos is currently reported to be in a relationship with Jones' sister Arlette Jones. Arlette has not made any effort to hide her dating life in her socials and has frequent posts including the AFL rising star. However could Nick Daicos be involved in an affair with these two sisters? From many photos across different sources this statement could be true.

A photo from just last night shows the pair smiling and hugging after coming out from a car, before Jones heads back into the house and according to anonymous users the two were apparently kissing just before the photo was taken but the moment was not caught on camera. Could Nick Daicos and Isabella Jones be our next power sporting couple? And what will there families, especially Arlette, think of this?

There was photos. A lot of photos. Photos of Nick and I. Some of us in the change rooms, some at the bar in Saint Kilda. And then there was the one of me hugging Nick when saying goodbye last night.

I slam my phone down on the coffee table and scream into my pillow. First of all I'm shocked that people were mental enough to be taking pictures of Nick and I in public and creating whole theories about how we were together from a couple of images that meant nothing. But I'm also scared that Arlette or someone else like Alex or Eli will find this and they'll all hate me for doing what I have with Nick. I'm nearly in tears when I pick my phone up again and send the link to Nick.

nick we're fucked have u seen this? everyone ik will hate my guts

oh fuck

I'm left on read for a while whilst Nick is obviously reading the article and I start panicking, anyone who knows Arlette knows just how much she is on her phone so its kind of obvious that she'll come across this or the pictures sooner or later. Then what will I do, do I just tell her the truth about me being madly in love with her 'boyfriend' and hope she responds with something like oh thats fine, i'm happy for you. Yeah, no chance. Or I could potentially leave my life behind and move to a foreign country where I'll start from fresh and completely forget that both Arlette and Nick exist. Probably not. thankfully Nick finally messages me again and I stop stressing for a moment.

wtf tho like why would ppl do this they have nothing to do with who u and i r with and our personal lives.

what if arlette sees this nick, she already hates me enough
Nick my whole  would be ruined if they knew I kissed you

calm down we'll sort this out, im onw rn

u dont have to ill be fine on my own

to bad im almost here

I sigh rolling onto my side and staring aimlessly at the wall. I knew I shouldn't have kissed nick, it was dumb and even more stupid that we did it in the middle of public where anyone could have seen us. I feel like I stare at the wall for hours until the doorbell awakens me from my trance and I get up and open the door. Despite the current situation seeing Nick sent butterflies through my stomach and I just wanted to kiss him exactly how i did last night.

'Nick I'm sorry, I shouldn't have kissed you. It was a mistake.' I tell him

'Really, a mistake?' He looks at me 'Just because you're scared of people finding out, which is completely understandable, it doesn't mean that was a mistake. that this is a mistake.' He signals his hands between me and him and I notice how close we are, taking a step back. 'Bells.' Nick sighs out in frustration 'do you not want what happened to have happened, because if that's true I'll go.'

'Sorry Nick I'm being stupid.' I say running my hands through my hair 'I've never wanted anything more, but I'm scared of the consequences that will happen.' He looks at me with understanding eyes

'I'm not.' He says and the next thing I know our lips our connected just like last night and instead of pulling away which is what my brain was telling me I melted into the kiss, out lips moving in synch as his arms snaked around my waist pulling me even closer to me.

After what feels like forever, but at the same time I wanted it to have gone for longer we pull away and I stare into the eyes of Nick. 'Let's go to my place, no ones home.' He smirks and I laugh following him into his car.

i am sooo sooo soo so so so so so sorry i havent updated in years and i feel so bad, i promise i will update more often im just having rly bad writers block, but i think ive got a plan for next couple parts. thanks for reading.

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