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'How's netball going

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'How's netball going.' Nick says after a while of us just talking about nothing really important.

'Have you seriously been stalking me, should i be concerned.' I joke and he laughs shaking his head.

'no no no, its not like that, arlette told me.' He says quickly.

'arlette actually said something about me that wasn't mean?' I pretend to be shocked

'i did have to ask her about you but that doesn't matter.' a faint redness appears on his cheeks and I laugh 'anyways tell me hows it going?'

'yeah good i guess, i'm only really the sub right now but Gabby Coffey might be moving back to west coast fever so she can be with her family so then i'll probably get more game time.' I tell him

'Oh wow, i didn't realise you played proffesionally' I nod and both of us go quiet. it stays like that for a while before nick finally breaks the silence.

'has anyone ever told you how pretty your eyes are.' I nearly die when he says that and I feel my whole face heat up. He smirks at me and I try to say something but i'm to shocked to talk.

'Ni-' There's a loud knock on the door and whatevers going on between me and nick ends almost as quickly as it started. 'shit sorry i gotta go.' I tell him and quickly hang up the call. It was perfect timing because as soon as I do arlette walks into my room looking at me questionably.

'who was that on the phone with you?' my eyes widen

'no one.' she clearly doesn't believe me one bit.

'oh shut up, it was a boy wasn't it.' She hops onto the bed with me 'come on tell me. i've been dying for the day my younger sister would finally find a boy.'

'that's not true, i've liked plenty boys before.' I snap and she shakes her head.

'yeah but you've never gotten past the talking stage.' I roll my eyes but she grabs my phone.

'anyways enough nonsense, tell me who the boy was.' you don't want to know. i think as she stares at me waiting for an answer.

'its nothing just a friend, now leave me alone i'm tired.' I complain dragging her out of my bed and pushing her out of my room. 'goodnight, sleep well' I say and she smiles before heading into her room. I hop back into bed i look at my phone one last time seeing a message from Nick.

04** *** ***
goodnight bells 😘

goodnight nick 😴

you changed 04** *** ***'S contact to Nick 🫶🏽


It was my friend Chloe's leaving party today as she was heading to Ireland soon, so I was standing in front of my mirror finishing straightening my hair. Once i'm done i smooth out my white loose dress that covers my bikini and head out to get going.

We're going to a little bar on the beach in Saint Kilda which was further than where we usually go but Chloe insisted we would go to the beach because it was gonna be the last time she'd have warm weather for a while. A white car pulls into the driveway and I walk outside and hop in the passenger seat 'hey Omi' I smile as my friend Naomi starts the drive to saint kilda.

'I'm dying, can you please put the ac on?' She asks and I nod flicking the switch as cold air begins to cool down the car. 'I feel like I haven't seen you in ages, hows life been?'

'Yeah good. pretty much the same as usual just a bit of netball and studying for uni.' I shrug

'met any boys recently.' she questions i roll my eyes. every single one of my friends think its funny to tease me because I haven't dated someone for like 3 years. my thoughts go back to nick and i try to ignore the feeling i get in my stomach like I'm a 12 year old thats had an older boy tell me my hair looks nice.

'not really' I tell her choosing not to reveal anything about Nick. She doesn't bring up anything like that for the rest of the drive and we just talk about other stuff. When we finally arrive I quickly hop out of the car and grab my bag. 'I cannot wait to go into the water' I say excitedly when someone runs up and pulls me into the biggest hug ever. I turn around and see Chloe smiling at me her hair dripping meaning she must've already been in.

'You're here finally.' She takes my hands and drags me behind her 'The water is so nice and there's a bunch of hot boys that I totally ship you with.'

'I thought it was just gonna be us and a few others.' I say placing my stuff on the table

'yeah but there's boys at the table near us but there in the bar and there so hot I can't wait for you to meet them.' I scoff

'can I not go anywhere without having one of you trying to get me with a boy.' She laughs 'also don't you have a boyfriend that lives in like WA or some shit.' I ask confused.

'yeah but he doesn't matter right now. lets go into the water.' I nod and take my dress off, as I walk into the water my whole body shivers but I don't care. we just kinda hang in the water for a while before everyone else comes so we get out to say hi.

'anyone want drinks i'll pay for the first round?' Chloe offers and all of us nod except for Laylah because she's having a baby. Chloe stands up to go inside 'wanna come iz?' I agree standing up as well as the two of us go inside. Its very crowded so we have to squeeze past people to get to the counter where there's already a line. 'look there's the hot boys i was talking about. we have to get there numbers later.' she tells me nudging me in the ribs.

I wince glaring at her before my attention directs to where she's pointing. I see a group of maybe 5 boys all standing there with drinks in their hands, as I'm looking though my eye catch the gaze of the boy that has been stuck in my mind since I met him which was only a couple days ago. He looks back at me and I flush a deep red before quickly looking away. 'there pretty cute aren't they?'

'yeah kinda.' I say

'what wrong you're acting weird.' she looks at me for a while before something seems to click in her brain. 'No way, you know one of them don't you?'

'sort of, it's complicated.' I say cautiously and, thankfully, before she can question me more we're at the front of the line and the bartender is ready to serve us. but as we're standing there ordering i can't help look back at the boys to see Nick staring straight back at me.

sorry i took so long to update, once again this is kinda a filler chapter just to get them to know each other before all the good stuff happens. thanks for reading though.

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