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'ISABELLA LOUISE JONES WHERE THE FUCK IS MY DRESS?' Arlette's voice rings through the house and I squint

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'ISABELLA LOUISE JONES WHERE THE FUCK IS MY DRESS?' Arlette's voice rings through the house and I squint.

'Damn, not the full names' Alex mumbles and I flip him off but can't help the smile that creeps onto my face.

'Why should I know?' I scream back causing mum to yell at us to shut up.

'Because I asked you to iron it before nick came over.' shit i forgot about that.

'Umm about that...' I say nervously 'I kinda didn't get around to doing that.'

'WHAT THE FUCK! YOU HAD ONE JOB AND YOU COULDN'T DO THAT. I knew I shouldn't have given you that big of a responsibility.' the last part comes out as a mumble but i still hear it.

'Sorry that I had netball training which is way more important than ironing a stupid dress.' I yell and I hear someone stomping up the stairs. My doors opens and Arlette's standing there every part of her but her outfit looking like she's about to meet the queen. 'why are you so dressed up, it's literally a date.' I say and she rolls her eyes.

'Unlike you and your shit style I care how i look.' she says looking through my wardrobe.

'if i have shit style then why are you looking through my wardrobe?' I tease and Alex who's been lying on my bed this whole time bursts out laughing.

'fuck off both of you.' she snaps and pulls out one of my dresses. the doorbell rings and Arlette mumbles something under her breath. 'that's nick will one of you get it please?' she asks

'not me, i'm comfy where i am' alex replies so i get up and go answer the door. Nick's standing there looking as handsome as normal in a simple denim blue shirt and shorts.

'hey' he says stepping into the house and giving me a hug 'how are you. oh also you need to accept me on insta' he smirks and i blush.

'whispernickydaicos really?' I joke and he flips me off.

'It was a primary school thing piss off.' I laugh and Arlette runs down the stairs in my dress.

'where's my phone. oh hey nick' she smiles and nick smiles back but it looked so forced.

'your phone's in the kitchen you had a bunch of messages from a dude named hunter care to explain?' I ask and her eyes widen before she glares at me.

'It's just a friend leave me alone.' She spits walking into the kitchen and grabbing her phone. 'Shall we go babe?' he nods as Arlette walks out the door and he's about to follow her before leaning over to me

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