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'You're actually making me want to consider it

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'You're actually making me want to consider it.' I say teasingly to Jack.

'No way did I just turn a blues fan into a pies one.' Jack says genuinely shocked and I laugh.

'I'm joking, i'll kill myself before touching anything related to Collingwood.' I say laughing.

'You've touched me.' Nick smirks and I roll my eyes.

'You don't count your not that special just because your dads like a footy legend or some shit.' The rest of the people laughed and Nick went silent. The night had passed quickly and we'd all finished the pizza and our stomachs were full, I leant back in my chair and looked at nick and to my surprise he was looking straight back. I smile at him and he smiles back before the loud voice of Jack Ginnivan interrupts the conversation.

'Anyone want to go for a swim in the pool?' He asks and I say 'yes' almost immediately, when I was younger my parents used to joke that I lived in the water as it was where I spent most of my childhood but they weren't lying. I look around and see no one else had made the move out of their seats so I guess it would just be me and Jack going into the pool. Even though I'd only known these people a short amount of time I already felt really comfortable here.

'I guess it's just the two of us.' Jack smirks and I quickly look at Nick who's about to move but Annalise places her arm on him stopping him.

'Nick, I need to talk to you.' She says, nick looks confused before nodding.

'yeah sure, maybe in a bit.' He says absentmindedly.

'Let's go Izzy.' Jack whispers into my ear and i look at him and he's taken his shirt off so he's only in shorts and I gulp looking at his toned abs. fuck he's hot. 'you're drooling.' He says confidently and I whack him in the chest, he feigns hurt and I'm about to laugh before he jumps straight into the pool causing droplets of water to fall over me. When his head resurfaces I make sure to give him the middle finger and he scoffs.

'Shit, I don't have any bathers.' I tell him and he shrugs.

'Oh well just go in in your clothes.' He tells me and just like that I jump in. I was only wearing a tank top and skirt that I didn't mind getting wet so I wasn't bothered.

The others had all gone back to their conversations at the table and no one was paying the slightest bit of attention to me and jack who had just been talking in the water. Jack was actually nice and funny. From all the social media posts I had seen he was made out to be seen as a self-centered druggie who thought he was better than everyone else but he was so much more. not to deny the fact that he was hot.

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