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I placed my heavy training bag by the side of my bed I laid down on the perfectly made sheets that my mum must've done because I knew too well that no one else in the family could make a bed look this perfect

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I placed my heavy training bag by the side of my bed I laid down on the perfectly made sheets that my mum must've done because I knew too well that no one else in the family could make a bed look this perfect.

The last two weeks had been some of the best of my life. Countless days spent with Nick doing whatever we wanted whenever we wanted. each night I spent lying next to him in bed I felt more and more comfortable, knowing that no one had noticed the two of us yet and that I could just be with Nick.

But the guilt was unbearable. Every single time arlette would talk about Nick at the dinner table I'd tell myself it wouldn't happen again. That I would tell Nick that what we were doing isn't right, but then he'd call and I'd fall into his arms forgetting everything.

I pick up my phone, scrolling on tiktok with nothing better to do. Before I know it my phones on 5% and I instinctively reach for the charger that's always next to where I sleep.

I groan in frustration knowing that arlettes probably taken it again. So I get up and knock on her door. No response. I knock again louder this time but it's still quiet.

'Cmon arlette I know you're in there and that you have my charger. Give it back or
I'm coming in.' There's still no answer so I open the door expecting the room to be empty.

My jaw drops, and all of a sudden I don't feel so bad about sleeping with Nick for the past month. All of a sudden a surge of anger runs through me. why should I be feeling bad for doing stuff with Nick when this is what arlettes been doing for god knows how long? Why should I go to sleep regretting everything because I thought that it would break arlettes heart if she ever knew, when she's been fucking a random guy.

After the initial shock and anger, my hands fly over my eyes blocking out the traumatising image of my sister and a man's naked bodies together under the bed sheets. The sound of the bed creaking stops and arlette lets out a small shriek. 'Izzy?' Her voice is hoarse.

'Please tell me this isn't real.' I shudder at the thought. Arlette let's out a breathy laugh letting me know that this is infact very real.

'You can look now we're both covered.' She tells me and I reluctantly remove my hand. Sure enough there both under the covers covering all of there bodies but their faces.

'Care to explain?' I question.

'It's not what it looks like I swear.' She's almost pleading in the way she speaks

'Oh so you're not fucking another boy that isn't the boyfriend you claim to love so very dearly.' I hold a hand to my heart somewhat mocking my sister talks about Nick. She's about to speak again but I cut her off 'let me guess this is hunter, your so called friend. The guy who you've been messaging. Is this the person who's house you've really been staying at when you say you're just visiting a friend or is the other guys as well? How long has this' I gesture to the two of them 'been going on for?'

'Three months' her voice is barely a whisper but I hear it very clearly and all of a sudden I don't feel guilty I feel mad because all this time Nick and I could've been together without a care in the world, but stupid arlette got in the way of that. But why should we care in her eyes nick was probably just someone who would make her more popular.

'You bitch' I spit at her 'does Nick know about this?'

'Nicks the reason that I've been hooking up with hunter.' Is all she tells me and my anger is replaced with confusion.


'Have you not noticed!' She throws her hands in the air 'whenever nicks with me he seems fed up, he forces himself to act like he loves me, but he really doesn't. He never has time for me it's always footy this or footy that and then whenever he did have time off he'd always brush me off and say he was busy. He never loved me but I thought I loved him so I stayed and tried so hard to make things work but it wasn't happening. That's when I met hunter...' my eyes flick to the boy and he looks the definition of awkward. 'At first I told myself it was just going to be once but then I kept going back knowing that he would give me what Nick never would. But please you can't tell Nick, you mustn't.' He last words are more of a desperate plea and I see tears forming in her eyes.

Her confession makes me want to tell her about me and Nick but i but my lip and refrain keeping silent knowing there would be a better way to sort this out. 'I won't tell anyone, I promise.' A smile breaks out on her face.

'Thanks. I owe you one'

You won't be saying that once you find out what I've been doing with your boyfriend...

I turn away and shut the door behind me and immediately go back to my room where I get into my bed and curl up under the covers.

A million thoughts rush through my head at once. Should I tell someone, maybe if I tell them about hunter and arlette and me and Nick at once, they'll think that arlettes the bad one in the situation, despite the fact that I kissed Nick before I knew what arlette had done.

It's too overwhelming to be worrying about on a Sunday evening at 6:30 so I pull out my phone that's almost dead and send a message hoping that they'll respond before it's dead.

r u free
I need to blow off some steam
It's been a stressful 30 mins

My doors always open for you sunshine ☀️

I am so sorry, I haven't updated since last year and I feel bad. I kinda forgot about this until a couple days ago, I promise I'll start updating more often I've just had really bad writers block but I think I have a plan for the next few parts. Have a good one and thanks for reading

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