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'what was that all about?' Hayley asks when I go back to them

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'what was that all about?' Hayley asks when I go back to them. they've all gone back to the table and have ordered another round of drinks, chloe passes me mine and I thank her.

'It was nothing.' I tell them sipping my drink.

'It didn't look like nothing.' Naomi states and I roll my eyes.

'your so loud he's literally right there.' I say flicking my eyes in the direction of the 4 boys all standing around the table near us. 'plus he has a girlfriend and we're just friends.' I tell them and obvious disappointment takes over there face.

'damn, i already shipped the two of you.' Sadie says dully and I roll my eyes.

'can we please stop talking about this, we're here to celebrate Chloe so let's actually celebrate. I'll get shots.' They all voice their agreement and I head inside to get the shots.


time skip

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time skip

Someone had invited me and the others over to the girls table and Isabella was a little drunk, and by a little drunk I mean completely wasted. all the girls were but she was by far the worst.

'I was... I was.' She tried to speak, but she was laughing so much she couldn't speak. 'I was at the bar and this lady spilt her drink all over the bartender.'

I laughed with her but I was getting kind of worried because she could hardly stay sitting up properly. She took another big gulp of her drink and I look at her cautiously 'alright bells.' I spoke softly 'maybe no more drinks.' She clears her throat and stops laughing. she just stared at me menacingly.

'Don't look at me like that.' I tell her.

'your not the boss of me.' She snaps ignoring what I just said.

rulebreaker | nick daicosWhere stories live. Discover now