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I can't quite believe my eyes when I see Isabella standing there looking at me, it's weird seeing her not at her home or wherever arlette is

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I can't quite believe my eyes when I see Isabella standing there looking at me, it's weird seeing her not at her home or wherever arlette is. I'm about to wave but she looks away and goes back to talking to the girl next to her, it's clear she's pretending not to have seen me. I continue to look at her though before Mitch snaps his fingers infront of my face snapping my out of the trance I was in.

'it's rude to stare.' He tells me jokingly and I laugh 'but i can't blame you if its someone hot.' i whack him lightly and he feigns hurt.

'its no one' I tell him hoping he'll shut up.

'bro, if it was no one you wouldn't be staring because ever since you got with your new missus you've not even properly looked at a girl.' He tells me but I know he's speaking the truth, arlette's been kind of controlling over what I do around other girls. He looks to where I was just staring and then quickly looks back to me. 'hang on, is it that chic that you've just met, what's her name. She's arlette's sister yeah?' I blush not wanting anyone to hear our conversation.

'piss off, it's no one.' I tell him taking a sip of my drink and joining in with the others conversation. But I can't help look at Isabella one more time, instantly telling myself that i'm being stupid because she's the sister of my fucking girlfriend and I'm not allowed to catch feelings no matter how much I want to.


I carry the drinks outside and hand them to everyone before taking a large sip of my own

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I carry the drinks outside and hand them to everyone before taking a large sip of my own. After everyone's finished their drinks Naomi suggests that we go for another swim, all of us agree and head into the water. I'm still wet from last time I went in so the temperature doesn't bother me as I duck my head under.

'Fuck guys im gonna miss this so much' Chloe says as the 6 of us float on our backs looking at the setting sun.

'then it's simple, cancel you're plane to ireland and stay.' I offer causing others to snicker, but chloe doesn't.

'I wish I could, but I can't. I've got my whole life planned out in Ireland.' She sighs and we all stay there in silence no one speaking until Hayley speaks:

'look its those hotties again.' She says and I turn around and see Nick and his friends standing there looking at us, when Nick sees me looking at him he waves and I groan. 'is he waving at you Izzy? do you know him?' She asks and I mutter some things under my breath before answering.

'Kind of, it's complicated. I should probably go see what he wants.' I say trying to hide the butterflies in my stomach that I know can't happen because I can't like Nick and he'll never like me. I make my way onto the sand and as I get closer three of the boys leave leaving me and Nick alone in the middle of the beach.

'hey bells.' He says and I feel my face flush a deep red at the nickname.

'Hi, I didn't expect to see you here.' I lie, acting as though I haven't been staring at him half the afternoon.

'I'm not dumb, I know you've seen me.' I roll my eyes. 'Please I just want to talk.'

'People will think it's weird that I'm talking to my sisters boyfriend.' I tell him even though I could talk to him forever and not get bored of his company.

'It's fine, there's nothing wrong with two friends talking.' I smirk at him

'Since when were we friends?' I tease and his expression is clearly annoyed 'I should get going it's one of Chloe's last days in Australia and I'm not ditching her to talk to my annoying sisters boyfriend.' I say even though I could talk to him for hours and never get bored I just don't want him to know that I may like him. I turn to walk away but Nick grabs my shoulder and turns me around.

'Isabella, there is nothing wrong with us talking. and if i'm entirely honest, i love talking to you and I don't want the fact that I'm dating your sister to stop us from being friends.' He's almost begging me at this point and it makes me realise just how much I do like this boy and I can see why Arlette does to. uggh stupid fucking arlette. I smile at Nick who smiles back.

'I'm sure it wouldn't hurt if we talked.' I say softly and Nick's smile grows but then fades and turns into an awkward face once he realises his hand is still resting on my shoulder. the two of us blush as he pulls it away.

'I should go, talk later?' I offer as I begin walking away.

'I'd like that.' I blush and try to push down the butterflies. I need to remind myself that he's still dating my sister so nothing more than a friendship is forming between us but I still feel giddy about the fact that a boy, not just any boy, wants to talk to me.

just a short chapter thats still another filler but after a couple more it will get better. i'm also kind of depsressed because ginni might be going to hawks. but anyways thanks for reading.

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