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Today me, eli, alex and Arlette were going to the Carlton and Collingwood game as we have done since we were all kids

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Today me, eli, alex and Arlette were going to the Carlton and Collingwood game as we have done since we were all kids. normally we just sit in GA but thanks to Nick we were sitting in members. Nick and I had gotten extremely close since that day at his house but nothing like what that had happened again, which I was slightly disappointed about but I know that what happened was wrong.

Arlette wasn't coming until after the first quarter because apparently she had something on that was more important. We were walking through the crowds to get into the G when my phone buzzed in my pocket, I quickly check it and see a notification from Nick. Alex peers over my shoulder and I quickly turn my phone off. He already thinks me and Nick are getting too close and I don't want him to know that he's messaging right before a game.

'Was that Nick again?' He questions accusingly and I shake my head quickly, we're into the ground now and I take this as my opportunity to sneak away.

'I'm just going to the toilet, want anything to eat I'll buy it on the way back?' I offer catching both of their attentions.

'hot chips' and 'pies' are my answers and I scoff at the lack of manners.

'where's my please and thank you.' I ask jokingly

'you don't deserve any.' Eli tells me his eyes glued back on his phone.

'then you don't get any food.' I say shrugging as I begin walking off.

'fine please can we have hot chips and pies?' Eli asks rolling his eyes.

'yes you may.' I tell them

'thanks mum' Alex mumbles under his breath but I still hear so as I'm walking off I make sure to kick him in the back of the leg. As soon as I'm out of view I read the message from Nick.

will you come see me in the room before the game

eww no why would i want to be in a room with a bunch of collingwood players

because u love me

r u trying to make me sick

pls js come u can bring arlette if u want

did arlette not tell u? she can't make the start of the game

tbh im not surprised it happens most games i invite her to

oh thats sad if i had a footy bf then id go to all his games but i would only date a blues player
especially curnow 🥵
he's fine af

please don't tell me ur another one of those Charlie fan girls
they're so annoying

why r u jealous?
anyways I'm sure you've got a lot of fans that r just as annoying

I would never be jealous of curnow
plus I've got a girlfriend so idgaf who u like 🤷

oh right my annoying ass sister

im gonna tell her u said that

wont she think its weird we've been messaging

who cares, ive gtg but pls come to the rooms

fine 🙄

It takes me a while to figure out where the player rooms actually are but i find it eventually and nick's waiting at the entrance in his warm up gear and i can't help but think about just how hot he looks right now. 'You actually came.' He says a mixture of suprised and happy in his voice.

'Of course, but only to sabotage your whole team so that the baggers win.' I tell him smiling and he looks at me shocked.

'You wouldn't?' He says feigning hurt

'oh yes I would.' I smirk

'well then I guess I won't invite you in.' He says and I laugh

'I'm just joking. but if i do go in i should probably take off the scarf, it could be the start of world war 3 if I go in wearing this.' I laugh motioning to the navy blue and white scarf wrapped around my neck. I take it off and chuck it into my bag before following Nick in.

'Is this your girlfriend whisper?' A boy with dark black hair in braids and the number 3 on the back of his guernsey asks.

'no no no, we're just friends my sister is his girlfriend.' I tell him quickly and he looks at the two of us judgingly before a smile plasters his face.

'ok, well nice to meet you I'm Isaac.' he says and I smile shaking the hand he's put out in front of him, I feel so formal greeting someone like this.

'I'm Isabella but most people just call me Izzy or Iz.' I tell the boy who smiles at me.

'Pretty name for a pretty lady.' He smirks and I blush, I can feel Nick tense up beside me and I wonder whats going on with him. 'would you like me to show you around.' He offers and I'm about to say yes before nick cuts me off.

'I will, I was the one who invited her.' He snaps and Isaac takes a couple steps away.

'sorry mate I was just offering.' Isaac says before walking off to where everyone else is talking with their partners and or other players.

'I thought you said you'd only ever date a Carlton player.' He tells me aggressively causing me to move further away from him while we walk.

'I said like 10 words to him, calm down.'  I spit

'You're right sorry, i don't know what happened there.' He looks down at his feet and I feel kinda bad I grab his hand and pull him along with me. 'I thought you said you were going to show me around' I tell him and he smiles walking along and telling me what all the things are. We eventually end up in a deserted locker room and Nick stops walking.

'Bells there's something i need to tell you.' He nervously starts and I nod at him so he continues 'i know this is wrong because I'm dating your sister but I real-' He's about to say something when Isaac pops his head through the door.

'sorry to interrupt but we're running on field in a minute and fly wants to have a couple last words.' He says cheerily and Nick rolls his eyes.

'Bye I guess.' Pulling nick into a hug 'I never thought I'd say this but good luck.' I whisper into his ear and I can't help but notice the blush that creeps onto his face. He laughs before following Isaac out of the room. I'm about to leave when nick pokes his head through the door 'meet me after the game' he tells me and before I get the chance to reply he's gone.

this is also another filler and they'll probably be a couple more before it starts getting good sorry but like for now thanks for reading.

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