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Nick had cancelled our dinner plans instead inviting me to come along to one of the boys on his teams house to have dinner with then as celebrations over the win which I'd agreed to going to

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Nick had cancelled our dinner plans instead inviting me to come along to one of the boys on his teams house to have dinner with then as celebrations over the win which I'd agreed to going to. 8pm came around faster than expected as I stood in front of the mirror straightening the last few strands of my hair. Tonight I'd decided to change from my usual curly hair instead going for something different. No one had seen Arlette since this morning and no one knew where she was, all she had said in the message was that she had something important on and couldn't come until after the first quarter. Well she hadn't come home at all today which was unusual for her. There was a knock on the door and I grabbed my phone and wallet before heading down the stairs to see Nick but Alex had already answered the door.

'Hey bro, what you doing here.' His eyes scan over Nick who's wearing a plain shirt and some khaki jeans but despite the simpleness he still looks so hot. 'Arlette's not home if that's why you're here.' Nick catches my eye and looks back at my brother awkwardly.

'um actually, me and isabella are kind of going over to Isaac's house for dinner.' he says nervously

'why the fuck are you and my sister who just happens to be the sister of your girlfriend going out together?' Nick opens his mouth to answer but I quickly interrupt not wanting to let the situation get out of hand.

'Isaac invited me, I met him today after the game.' I say and Alex's angry expression is replaced by one of surprised happiness.

'no way did Isabella Jones, my little sister actually have a boy ask her over.' He shakes his head slightly a smile plastered to his face 'but then why is Nick taking you?'

'because we live on the way and it was easier to have him pick me up rather than Isaac.' I say smoothly not hinting at all that I'm lying. I don't know why I'm so concerned about others knowing that i'm hanging with Nick because we're only just friends but I can't help be cautious because I don't want them thinking anything else is going on between us. 'Anyways we should go, we don't want to be late. By Al see you later.' I give my brother a small hug before leaving the house and walking beside Nick to his car.

'you're a good liar.' Nick says to me as he pulls out of the driveway and I grin.

'what can I say I've had a lot of practice.'


The house was filled with loud music, people scattered the room as me and nick walked through a couple of the boys greet me and I can feel the eyes of others burning into my back. 'Maybe this wasn't the best idea' I say nervously to Nick

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