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'I love you Isabella Jones

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'I love you Isabella Jones.' His words made my head spin. I was shocked to say the least, I didn't in a million years picture my day to end this way. I forgot about everything I was thinking leading up to this moment because for now Nick was the only thing I cared about.

'I love you too Nick Daicos.' I didn't know how to feel when those words left my mouth, ever since I realised that I'd caught feelings for this boy these were the words playing over and over again in my head, so now for them to be out in the open I was stuck on what to do next. So instead of thinking I acted.

And just like that the gap between me and Nick was closed, ignoring the words that were about to fall out of my mouth, and I connected our lips in one perfect movement.

And there are no words to do it justice.

Third person

Isabella never knew one moment could hold a million sweet thoughts. Then again, she never imagined herself kissing Nick Daicos on the side of the road, the glowing moon being their loving witness.

When his initial shock had passed, Nick's hands found her waist, and he pulled her tighter. He had been thinking about this moment since the second she came into his view, and now that it was finally happening he had no idea how to go about it.

And yet that was okay. He didn't need to know because this was right. Everything about it was right. The surroundings - the night sky and cool, crisp air. The moonlight illuminating the pair. Her scent - as rosy as ever. Her lips - as soft as he imagined they would be, painting a perfect picture of her emotions, and how she feels. How she feels. She kissed me. She's kissing me.

He tugged her a little closer, and Bianca pressed against the balls of her feet so her lips rested comfortably on him, not wanting to ever come apart.

Is that what this is? Really and truly? love huh.

His warm aroma was like no other comfort that Isabella has ever experienced. That same sweet, nose tickling smell of the boy she loved heated her body like no fire could. There might as well be a thunderstorm, or hail or pounding rain, and that wouldn't matter.

For the time their lips were locked together in a tender kiss, the world itself ceased to exist.

She didn't want to pull away, not ever. The cold wasn't bothering her. His lips had warmed hers, and his cheeks sent balmy waves to her palms. But the main reason she didn't want this moment to end is because she was scared. Scared that if this stopped her and Nick would go back to being just friends and she would become just his girlfriends sister once again. The thought of that terrified more than the thought of swimming in shark infested waters, or being one of the people on the titanic when it sunk. But after delicate seconds that seemed to pass as if time was a myth, she parted her lips from his and stared into those eyes with a whole new perspective on life entirely.

Nick smirked at the first chance he got. 'oh'

Isabella shrugged innocently, and shot him a playful smile. 'Maybe not all collingwood players are that bad.'

'I knew I could make you change your mind.'

She rested her arms on his shoulders, and held her hands behind his head, lowering her heels to the ground, 'and this is why kissing you was so great.' she said, 'It meant you'd shut the fuck up for a couple of seconds.'

'I mean,' Nick sang, 'maybe you could do it again.' His eyes glint with cheek, and Isabella laughed.

The blonde bit her lip, and immediately wished his to meet hers again. It was like home - kissing this boy. 'You know, my house is right there and anyone could look out and see the two of us. and considering your dating my sister, getting caught doesn't sound like a great idea. So maybe we'll have to save that kiss for another time.' she said smirking. She knew nobody was going to look out the window at 2am in the morning, especially because it was a Sunday night, well technically Monday morning and everyone had to be up soon for work.

Nick hummed 'yeah neither do I,' He played along 'I think that means I owe you a date?'

'That you do.'

And just like that, Isabella Jones had officially confessed her love and kissed her sisters boyfriend and she couldn't be happier about it.

The end.

I'm just joking, I would never end a story like that. sorry for not updating sooner I know i ended the last one on a cliff hanger i'll try update again soon tn. thanks for reading.

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