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js to let u know this chapter is rly cringe


The song sounded throughout the rooms echoing off the walls as I stood in between pendles and josh

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The song sounded throughout the rooms echoing off the walls as I stood in between pendles and josh. As we finished up I walked over to the side of the room to take my boots off. I looked around the room to see if isabella had come like i'd asked her to before the game. She probably wouldn't want to see me since I beat her team but oh well.

Isabella did something to me from the second we met, her blonde hair, blue eyes and tan skin...

...she was perfect.

from the moment I met her, to when she fell asleep in my bed after the night at the bar, I found myself falling...

...falling for the charms of my girlfriends sister

and i knew that we could never be together because of Arlette.

I look around once again to see if she had come and to my surprise she had. she was standing on the opposite side of the room talking to Josh's girlfriend Anna, her smiling filling up majority of her face. I get up to go speak to her before Josh blocks my path 'Do you know who the girl speaking to Anna is?' He asks

'Arlette's sister.' I say and he looks at me funny

'why is Arlette's sister here. and where's Arlette?' His eyes scan the room and I think about what excuse I'll make before deciding to tell him the honest truth.

'I invited her here... and i dont know where Arlette is Bells said she wasn't going to be here until after half time.' I tell him and he looks at me for a while and I keep looking at Isabella.

'Ok then, is arlette still coming to dinner tonight?' I shake my head and josh slightly nods before walking away. I continue to go to Isabella and when she sees me she smiles.

'I'm pissed at you for beating us but because I'm your friend I'm still going to say good job.' She gives me a one armed hug which I return.

'thanks' I say and then my thoughts go back to the conversation I almost had with her earlier. I didn't really know what was going on with my feelings at the moment but all I knew is that I fucking loved this girl and I could probably never tell anyone. 'do you want to go out for dinner tonight?' I ask her

'Is arlette coming.' I shake my head and she nods

'I mean sure, more time away from my sister is a win.' I laugh and then notice the wondering stare Anna is giving us. shit, she's probably wondering why we're talking about arlette and why i'm asking her out to dinner with me. 'I'll pick you up at 8?' I offer and she nods.

'I got to go, I'm meeting Eli and Alex at the car park but i'll see you then.' She walks away and I sigh god this girl is making it really hard not to just kiss her. I take this as my opportunity to leave but Isaac comes up to me.

'that girl again?' He says accusingly 'mate you're obsessed with her and you have a girlfriend.'

'its nothing, really we're just friends.' His whole expression shows that he doesn't believe a single word I say

'I'm not stupid, just tell me mate. I won't tell anyone.' I really want to just tell him everything because I hate how I'm keeping my feelings to myself. the rooms basically empty now so I know no ones going to hear and I tell him everything, from my feelings to the time we nearly kissed.

'Well you're fucking whipped.' Isaac laughed as he reached into her bag.

'I'm fucking not.' I said with anger laced in my voice and looked away from his growing smile.

'Isn't that what a whipped person would say?' he grinned and patted my back 'Well if you want my advice I say that if you love the girl just be honest with your current missus because if you did do anything with Isabella and she found out it would hurt a lot more than you just telling her now and ending things. But you just ask yourself do you want to be with the girl you love or the one who you thought you loved?' his words leave me deep in though before he heads off to go. Maybe he was right and I should just tell Arlette and see if bells does feel the same way i do for her. Because I don't know how much longer I can go without telling Isabella exactly how I feel.

just a short part but i'll try update again tn if i can but im kinda getting writers block even though i know exactly what i want to do for the later parts but not the ones im meant to be writing. this is kinda shit but i promise it will get better. anyways thanks for reading

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