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the car ride had been silent, Isabella was sitting on a towel so she didn't wet the car seat

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the car ride had been silent, Isabella was sitting on a towel so she didn't wet the car seat. I stare intensely out at the road ahead of me not looking at Isabella once 'what's wrong.' Her voice is small and she sounds nervous. I don't say anything and I can tell she's getting fed up 'Nick please speak to me, I don't like whatevers going on between us so please tell me whats wrong so I know.'

'you make it so hard to be pissed off at you.' I groan gripping the wheel so hard my knuckles are white.

'why the fuck would you be pissed off at me?' She asks and I curse under my breath how the fuck was i meant to tell why without telling her that I liked her. 'whatever I did I'm sorry Nick.' She shouldn't have to be saying she didn't do anything wrong, she had every right to kiss Jack and I was just jealous.

'Isabella.' She winces at the full name and her normal smiley personality has been replaced by one of discomfort and concern.

'Nicholas.' I nearly find myself laughing at her smart ass comment but continue because I need to get what I'm about to tell her off my chest.

'I'm sorry for being an idiot.'

'I don't think that you're an idiot.'

'No, I know that. Because I haven't told you.'

'Told me what?'

This was it. This was my chance. To tell her just how I felt for her. To have it out in the open. and although my heart was screaming at me to just tell her right now my brain didn't agree and sent another signal to my vocal cords. 'I used to go for Carlton.'

It's called procrastination. And I think there will be a lot of it throughout the process of confessing my to love to this girl.

Isabella's mouth fell open 'You're kidding.'

'No. I'm ashamed honestl-'

'hey, you should never be ashamed to support the best team ever.' I groan running my hands through my hand whilst we're stopped at a red light.

'It's arlette.' I say all of a sudden and Isabella raises her eyebrows.

'I don't know what you're saying.' She looks confused and I continue.

'We were young.' I sighed 'And i guess i fell more in love of the idea of her liking me than actually falling in love with her. And we met in highschool and I don't remember the last time we even held hands. Granted I'm at footy half the year and she's at uni but we don't even kiss that much and I feel like she's the only one putting effort into our relationship. But then there's times when I think that if I settle down with her now I'll have a normal life and-'

Isabella bit her lip, 'Nick,' she said calmly 'you're rambling.'

'Right.' I felt the heat rise to my cheeks and i was very glad it was night time so she couldn't see 'Um sorry, I'm just nervous.'


'Very.' I confessed, my voice shaky. It took another deep breath for me to proceed. 'my point is that maybe this is too risky.'

Isabella's confusion continued 'What is?' He'd pulled up at the side of Isabella's street and the two both got out of the car so they were standing face to face in the middle of the side walk.

'What is?' Isabella repeated once again.

I was well aware that what I was saying made no sense to her until I confessed what it is I wanted to, no needed to confess, which is why I told myself I better get a move on. 'I'm getting there,' i promised 'I'm sorry for lying. And for being stupid and getting so angry when you kissed jack even though i couldn't stop you from doing that. I'm sorry for being a dick when it really wasn't the time to. And I guess I'm sorry for not realising sooner.'

Isabella had become so lost, that she began questioning what even happened in the first place. Her forehead had several horizontal indents running across her skin. She chuckled dryly, releasing her hands from her pockets, 'Realizing what?' she inquired 'You're being very vague and mysterious here and I'm rather confused. Can you just get to the point where you tell me what the fuck you're-'

I had been saying these two words to myself since the moment we had gotten in the car. Those two words that tell me that actually, nothing matters that much. Nothing is that consequential, or momentous. And I said them again to myself right in this moment.

Fuck. It.

For something I had gotten used to, nothing prepared my for what I was about to do. No one can prepare for this kind of feeling. Relief. Overwhelming joy. Certainty.

'I love you Isabella Jones.'

ahhh he finally admitted. this is really bad so ill probs edit it tmrw but for now enjoy i'll update as soon as i can tmrw.

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