welcome to the world baby

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Tw: swearing, screaming, crying, anesthesia

Charlies pov:

I'm currently laying down on the sofa sweating whilst nick is phoning an ambulance, my water just broke as me and nick were a film.

This labor pain hurts, it's one of the worst pains I've ever been in. I can hear Nick panicking whilst on the phone. The lady on the other side is telling him to calm down but he can't.

Nick walks over too me and place his hand on my for head.

"your okay char, you've got this"

"Nick I really need to push, it hurts"

"I know darling you've got to wait though"

Minutes later the ambulance arrives and nick shows them too me.

"Sir, I need to take your pants off is that okay?"

I look at nick and slowly nod.

"Char, you need to tell them not me"

"Yes yes God it fine" I wince in pain.

"okay your almost fully open we've got to get you to hospital fastly"

They try stand me up but I can't move.

"ow shit it hurts I can't move"

"I know sir but you need to get in the ambulance "

"I CANT!!"

Nick looks at me worried then to the paramedic.

"right.." The paramedic looks at nick.


"Nick is going to help you move"

"okayy owwwwww" Nick walks over too me and carries me bridal style.

"OW fucking hell!!"

"sorry char"

"It's fine owww shit" they load me in the ambulance and give me gas and air. A few minutes later I'm out of everything.



"it dosent hurt no more " He smirks and pushes my hair out of my face.



"My stomach hurts"


"OW shit"

The ambulance doors open and I'm being rushed into the birthing center.

The nurse and midwife comes in and checks me.

"Okay sir you need to push."
I look at nick and he holds out his hand.

I grab his hand and start pushing.

I'm red in the face and I'm very sweaty.

Nick looks down at me proudly.

"Come on Char, you've got this."
I look at him and sigh.

"I can't do it!!!"

"Yes you can one more big push!!"

I push super hard and then hear the sweet cries of our baby.

I look at nick and start crying happy tears. Nick looks over at the baby.

"Well done char."

"thanks, you okay you look pale."

The nurse looks over at nick and walks over too him.

"Sir I need you to sit down"

"n-no ill be okay"

"Sir sir down on the chair"

Nick looks at me and I nod at him. He walks over to the chair and sits down the nurse gives him some water and he drinks most of it.

Then the nurse brings our sweet girl over to us. She carefully gives her to me and I look down at her.

"she's adorable, she looks just like me nick, she has your beautiful nose though "

Nick looks over and smiles.

"We've done amazing!!"

"We definitely have"

The nurse looks over at us and clears her throat.

"Do you have a name for her?"

"yep! Lily Clover nelson!"


I smirk, nick walks over too me and kneels beside me.
"I'm so proud of you char"

I smile at him and yawn.

"get some sleep charlie you'll need it" the nurse says

"I can't sleep I refuse"

"I'll take lily charlie you need to sleep"

"Noo I cant"

"Charles you need to sleep come on"

"No nurse!"

"Yes come on!"

"Pass me lily charlie"

I give lily to nick and the nurse walks over too me. She puts something on my face and tells me to count back from ten as I do I start to feel drowsy.
The nurse smiles and a couple of seconds later I'm out.

Nicks pov:

The nurse just put charlie too sleep because he kept refusing to sleep.
So they decided that was for the better. I'm holding my precious girl in my arms. She so small and fragile.

She looks just like charlie. Suddenly she starts screaming, I look up at tye nurse worried.

"It's okay it normal you just need to settle her."


"Rock her or firmly pat her on the bum"

I start to rock and pat and she soon falls asleep.

I can't believe that I have my child in my arms.



Hope you enjoyed this chapter, I will keeps this going of her growing up then getting siblings, I will also do family sick days and her starting nursery!!

766 words!!

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