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Tw: sick, crying, slight panic attack, self/body hating, ed mention!!!

Hi! I'm really sorry for not uploading yesterday. I was really busy! So, so sorry!

Charlies pov:

As we head into the doctors, I begin to feel a bit anxious, I feel like everyone is staring at me like I'm some disgusting animal.

As we get closer to the desk, I feel a pit in my stomach, this is why I hate the doctors they always make me feel anxious and scared.

Then nicks voice catches me out of my deep thoughts.

(N- nick r- receptionist)

D- "Hi, how can I help?"

N- "hi appointment for charlie nelson?"

D- "Ah yes! Doctor lambert will be with you in a moment. "

No.. not doctor lambert. He was the one that called me dramatic all the time when I had an appointment to help with my eating disorder.

As we sit down I feel my heart beating fastly. If I'm like this in the waiting room god knows what I'll be like in the acutal room.

Then nick squeezes my hand.

"baby, it's okay take some deep breaths"

"I c-cant nick"

"Yes you can char"


After I say this, Nick then pulls me into his chest, covering my ears, to block out background sound.

He takes some really big deep breaths, I guess he wants me to follow them, so I do. I eventually calm down and look up at him.

He smiles down at me and hugs me tighter. Then I feel a massive wave of nausea hit me. I bolt up and run to the bathroom locking it behind me.

I throw myself infront of the toliet and throw up inside it.

This is the worst part about pregnancy, it's honestly horrible, 2nd trimester isn't fun.

Your constantly feeling low or happy.

Like one minute I'm crying my eyes out then the next I'm up dancing with lily. It's honestly weird.

Then I hear nick from the other side of the door.

"charlie are you okay? The doctor called us in."

"I'm okay! Coming out now"

"okay baby"

I quickly flush the toilet and wash my hands, I dry them and walk out looking at nick.

He looks worried then happy when he sees me smiling.

"let's go then" He says grabbing my hand.

We head off too the doctors room and sit down.

(DL- doctor lambert C- charlie)

DL- "what seems to be the- oh! Charlie nice too see you again, how've you been?"

C- "fine I guess"

DL- "and who's this with you" He says pointing his pen at nick.

C- "my husband?" I say feeling myself get angry.

DL- "nice! Let's get started"

----1 HOUR LATER----

Nicks pov:

We walk out of the appointment room and walk too the car, charlie slumps himself down obviously angry.

"charlie what's wrong?"

"Fucking doctor lambert! He's a fucking dick I hate him!"


"He the one that called me pathetic and dramatic when I was 15!"

Wait. He did that?

"Char I understand, how about we get you home and have a nice hot chocolate."

"yeah!" He say happily. Wow mood swings are real.

When we arrive home we see a very excited lily.


she runs over to us and throws herself onto charlie causing him too stumble a bit.

Then my mum waves her hand as a signal to come over.

"what happend then?"

"he's just- its- he's"

"baby it's okay take your time"

"It's normal bit not normal if that makes sense"

She shakes her head.

"he's got to drink alot if ginger tea and it's could also be an infection."

"ah okay"

"If he dosent stop vomiting we've gotta go back."


Then Charlie walks into the room holding lily.

"she's very excited for her birthday tomorrow" charlie says

"I can tell!" I reply.

"I'm turning 9!!"

"Yes you are baby" I say.

I turn back too my mum and hug her saying bye charlie and lily do the same.

Once she's left I tell charlie to settle himself and lily down on the sofa and we can have a movie marathon with snacks and drinks.

Obviously this causes excitement for the both of them.

Once I've made everything I settle down on the sofa with them and we watch many many many film...


728 words!

Again I'm so sorry for not uploading yesterday, I tired to make this long but my hands hurt alot from school.


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