whats up?

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Tw: crying, screaming, period, sick mention, medicine mention


Charlies pov:

Ever since Lily came out, she's been more distant. I fear that she feels that we don't actually support her, but we do, we'll always support her no matter what.

Nick thinks it may be her period coming as she's at that age now.

She's just always in her room. She never spends time with us anymore. It may also be the twins as they are very loud, and we need to pay attention to them most of the time.

"Char, baby, what's going on?" Nick asks, looking at me.

"Nothing. I'm just thinking."

"About what?"

"Lily. I'm worried about her nick."

"I know, baby, but she's just going through those years where she likes to spend tike in her room. It's a normal thing 12-14 year olds go through."

"I know, but whenever she's down her she seems distant."

Nick pulls a thinking face them looks at me.
"How about I go talk to her and see if anythings going on"

I look at nick and spring into his arms.
"Yes please, thank you nick"
He smiles and kisses my head standing up and walking upstairs.

Then obviously iris has to start screaming.
"Iris, what's up baby?" I say picking her up from the jungle mat.

She babbles at me and smiles.

I lay down and place her on my stomach. Her sweet giggles are then heard.

I instantly smile.


Lilys pov:

Basically I just started my period and haven't told my dad's about it.

I had to buy my own stuff because they don't know. It really hurts my stomach and its making me feel sick.

That's why I haven't been as talkative because everytime I move my mouth pr move in general, I feel really ill.

Truth I just want to sleep and never wake up at this time of a month.

I know they happen monthly. I got taught that in sex Ed when I was in year 7.

There's a knock on my door.

"Can I come in lils?" It's my dad.

"yeah." I say quietly.

My door opens and my dad walks in.
He sits down on my bed and I just stay laying down.

"Lily, what's up?"


"Lily. Me and papa know somethings up."

"there's nothing wrong." I say my anger building up.

"Lily-" He starts saying buy I cut him off.

"Omg! What don't you understand nothings wrong! Go away!" I shout. Probably shouldn't have tho. He knows somethings definitely wrong now because I never shout.

"Alright, I'm sorry for bothering you lils. just know I'm here of you need to talk." he sighs.

"mhm" I mumble.

My door shuts and I instantly break down in tears.
I'm such a let down, I didn't need to shout at him he's just trying to help.


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