"Eudie, you okay?"
"Yeah, just a little headache. No big deal." I rubbed my forehead and continued to walk. Paulie and Nathan followed. "You've been acting weird lately." Nathan said out of the blue.
"I know!! I don't wanna talk about it!"
"But Eudie. We're your best friends, you gotta tell us these-"
"Fuck!" The headache started to become a migraine. "I'm going to the nurse. This is too much!" I walked to the Nurse's office to get checked at. I sat down and she checked my temperature and asked me if I ate this morning. "Yeah. I had cereal, that's it." I answered. "Did you drink water today?" she asked another question. "I had water for my medication and I had water from the fountain today at school."
"Alright, Eudie-chan. You should drink some more water." ...I swear, this is the most irritating thing that she says. I smacked my lips and took some water with an annoyed expression on my face. I wonder if that woman and that child gave me headaches.
I walked to my next class, which was Phys Ed. We were starting lacrosse and I am not good at lacrosse. Lacrosse was one of those sports that half the class was good at, especially Al. He is very athletic! It's pretty cool that someone was that good at sports! I went in the gym and got a drink of water from the bubbler ('drink more water'...pfft.) That shit was so cold, it activated my sensitive teeth. I started to cover my mouth and groaned making a face. My eyebrows were furrowed and I was groaning because my teeth were getting worse and worse. I saw Al and he went over to me. "Eudie, you okay?"
"I'm fine. Ughhh..." I mumbled. I took my hand away and slid my tongue across my teeth with my mouth closed. "I just have sensitive teeth - don't know if you have it but it's a bitch. I'm fine don't worry!" I smiled showing him I'm alright.
"Okay." Al went back to the game.
"Yeah..." I sucked my teeth. "Huh...he still has that good side..." I smirked. I got a whatchamacallit lacrosse stick...thing and went in the game. I obviously did nothing along with the girls in the middle. I try getting in the game since I'm that type of person who tries their best at their worst. Mr. Kelbie told the class that if a female gets a goal on the team they're on, they get some 'K Kash'. (It's a thing he does with us where you trade that 'K Kash' for a prize - like a stress ball. I honestly don't mind if I get some what do you say... 'K Kash'.)
Some people kept on passing the ball to us. I was just trying to help by yelling their names. You think I give a fuck about people passing it to me? I just wanna shoot that tennis ball in the goal so people can get some praise. Hehe, that sounds narcissistic...
Anyway, I was thinking about the war during lacrosse. Who else is going to be in the army? Where are we going to stay? Do we have armor? Why is there a war in the first place? I had a bunch of questions. Maybe I'll ask the cat person I'm meeting at recess these questions. Who was that person in my mind anyway? I am going to annoy them just by asking these questions! I was also thinking about the Renaissance Fair tomorrow. I was thinking too much honestly. I looked at the clock high up on the gym's wall. It was five minutes before lunch. "Huh...neat." I decided to get in the game again to spare some time. The tennis ball was too busy with the boys so I decided to stand there and watch, which spared some time to be honest.
The boys paused. "Alright guys! Put the sticks away, go to the locker rooms and change to be dismissed." I sighed and put the lacrosse stick thingy away and gathered my binder that I put my drawings in that were in one of the lockers. The three girls in my class were in the locker room with me but they were talking to each other. I didn't even bother talking to them and just went through the bathroom door to the cafeteria - it was a little shortcut I took.
I put my binder down where the gang and I normally sit. I was first in one of the lines at lunch. I wasn't even that hungry but people will think I'm having an eating disorder if I do because they think I'm that 'messed up'. I am also insecure about my weight. I'm a curvy woman that has junk front and back with a little round stomach. I hated my stomach to be quite honest. It's filled with junkfood. I've been planning to lose a little of it but now that's ruined due to the war I'm going to be in. Or maybe I might get some exercise, who knows. I was inside the cafe's kitchen to get my lunch. I got a quesedilla with a chocolate milk and a peach. I honestly wasn't hungry but your body needs fuel right? I punched in my lunch number and sat at the lunch table where Nathan, Carol, and Paulie were sitting. I picked my quesedilla up and took a nibble without getting nauseous. I was slowly getting used to the food and I actually finished it.
I opened my binder and started to draw on a blank piece of paper that was in it. I was going to draw an anime character because I couldn't think of anything else to do. Nathan was watching; I didn't mind because I was concentrating.
Everyone was getting out of their seats and left the cafe. That means that it was recess. We were the only middle school that had recess. (I thought that was unfair)
Anyway, I walked outside with everyone else. Once I went out, all the students were like...still as if they were frozen. "...??" I walked around and tried poking a girl but she didn't budge. I turned around and Paulie had an orange in her mouth, Nathan was fixing his hair, Dave was cleaning the lens of his glasses, and Carol was looking at a bee with a smile on her face. I made a face and I looked around again and walked over to the field where DJ was throwing a football to Juls. I poked his cheek but he didn't budge either...what was going on?
"Over here!" I heard a voice.
"The tree, Eudie! The tree!"
I walked over to the tree and looked up. "Hey! What's going on?!" A pink fluffy cat appeared before my eyes. "The Mistress paused time so no one notices me! I think..." she jumped off the branch and went towards me.
"You're the cat...! The one tilting happily in my mind!"
It all made sense now...
"I needed to speak with you Eudie-chan!" the kitty said tilting her head again. "Speak of what?" I walked toward the cat and sat across from her. "About the war!"
I paid close attention to her once she said that. "I'm telling you something Universia told me to tell you!"
"It's things you what you need to know for now! Listen up!" I nodded at the kitten.
"First off, you're gonna pack your things and go to your bedroom in the academy we stay after you graduate here. Then, you go and eat some of their delicious food!! After food, you go rest in the bedroom. Then, you train for battle! It's gets easy at first but it gets harder and harder and harder! Believe me, human!
Then you sleep and eat again! Practice, eat, sleep! Practice, breakfast, lunch, dinner, sleep! We practice early! Danny wakes us up really really early, Eudie! It's horrible! I need my sweepy sweep! I am a kitty cat! Even though I can turn half human but I still have my cat instincts!!Anyway, you're gonna need my support during your time here in CMS! Don't be afraid of this battle. You'll be fine!" She explained
"I gots to go now. Good luck!" She suddenly disappeared and time played again. I stood up silently and left the field while everyone was moving and doing their thing again. I am not gonna lie, I was pretty scared about being in their army.
I mean who wouldn't?!
Project: Insanity
Aktuelle Literatur***WAS CPU INSANITY*** Eudie Brito was drafted to be at war in another universe. Her new partners, Danneth and Nina are battling to their deaths with another army led by the nemesis of their Mistress. It is unknown why they are fighting. What would...