Chapter 66-Ava and Morgan Meet Lori

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It is now a few hours later, and Kara and Lena have both spent some more alone time with their new daughter. For most of it. Lena has been sleeping, obviously recovering from the whole process of giving birth. Unfortunately for Kara, she did have to part from both Lena and Lori for a little while, just to go back under the yellow sun lamps, to heal some more from her fight with Reign. This did actually give Alex a chance to hold Lori for a little while, and look on at her new niece, with a loving smile. Admittedly, Alex thinks that Lori is absolutely perfect, and the redhead can't help but smile as she looks at her, despite everything else that is going on around them right now. Lori is just a bit of brightness in all this dark. After Alex held Lori for a while, Kara gives permission for Eliza, and then Lillian, to hold their new granddaughter. Both grandmothers looked down at the child, in each of their arms, in complete awe. The two even had some tears in their eyes. After all, meeting your grandchild, a whole new person, for the first time is always an emotional moment, and experience.

About two hours later, Lena finally woke up again, and the first thing she saw was Lillian sitting in a chair by her bed, holding a sleeping Lori in her arms. Lena doesn't say anything for the first few seconds, she just looks at the sight, and takes it in, being amazed how she got here with Lillian, as a few years ago she would have never expected this at all.

"Hey..." Lena says, in a voice that's clear she has a dry throat.

"Oh... hello, Lena, dear." Lillian says, with a smile on her face. "How are you feeling?"

"Hmmm... I still feel tired..." Lena mumbles.

"That is to be expected." Lillian replies. "I think Alex should be back in a moment to check on you."

"Hmmm... okay." Lena nods, tiredly. "Where... where's Kara?"

"She's just laying on her bed over there, under the yellow sun lamps. I think she's taking a nap right now. Do you want me to wake her?" Lillian asks.

"No..." Lena replies, shaking her head slightly. "Can I have Lori?"

"Of course you can." Lillian smiles.

Lillian then carefully hands Lori to Lena, making sure that Lena has Lori securely in her arms before she let's go of her.

"She's... so beautiful..." Lena says, with a loving smile on her face.

"Yeah, she is." Lillian smiles happily, as she looks at her daughter holding her own daughter in her arms.

Lena and Kara are now joined by Alex, who has just walked into the room.

"Oh, you are awake." Alex says, with a smile.

"Yes. She woke up a few minutes ago." Lillian informs Alex.

"Good." Alex nods. "How are you feeling, Lena? Anything I need to be made aware of?"

"No. I just... feel tired." Lena says.

"Okay. Well... I actually think in a little while we should try putting you under the yellow sun lamps, to recharge. While you slept, I ran a few tests, and I'm pretty sure you are 100% Kryptonian now. So, I think if we put you under the yellow sun lamps it might help speed up your recovery." Alex explains.

"Okay." Lena nods. "But, are you sure it will be okay to take Kara out from under them?"

"Yes. She is doing much better, even though she clearly hid a few things from us when we woke her up to witness Lori's birth." Alex explains.

"Oh..." Lena says, now growing a guilty look on her face, because she knows they only woke Kara up because of her.

"Hey, it's okay, Lena." Alex says, noticing the brunette's look. "Kara would have wanted to be awake anyway. You don't need to feel guilty or anything."

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