Chapter 1: New beginnings

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"Abigail Armstrong, Honours Bachelor of Science"

It took me a minute to acknowledge that my name was being called. I was lost in a daze, but the boy behind me tapped my shoulder to which I realized it was my turn to walk across the stage. I was greeted by a line up of older people who I assumed were the people in power at this school, where I shook their hands and received my degree. I glanced at the crowd of friends and family but it was an overwhelming amount of people to spot my parents. I stepped off the stage and went to sit down, patiently waiting for the ceremony to be over.

Once everyone had walked across the stage, there were countless speeches from more people i've never met wishing us the best for our futures. It was like listening to a broken record. Until the valedictorian came on. I recognized her. We lived in the same dorm in first year and I never expected her to stand up there so proud. There was a rumour that she hired someone to do her work for her. I believed it then and part of me still does now. I chuckled at the thought of this. I mean this was the University of Toronto, as long as you had money you were set to succeed.

She finished her speech and the ceremony was over. I was desperate to get out of the building but I managed to get stuck in the middle of a big crowd. I was trying not to sweat not only because I knew my parents wanted pictures, but I also did. Most of my four years here was spent coming up with the best caption to use for these photos. Clearly that was me being sarcastic, but I always imagined what it would be. Mostly to piss off the people I knew in high school who always called me dumb. I just wanted to prove them wrong.

I finally got out of the sweaty mess and made it outside. I grabbed my phone from my dress pocket and rang my dad to figure out where he was.

"Dad, im outside where are you"

"We're on the cobblestone street," he responded.

"Okay on my way"

I hung up the phone and went to go find them. I found them standing with my boyfriend quite easily surprisingly and immediately embraced my dad. When he and my mom got divorced he moved back to England. I last saw him last summer when I went for my english citizenship ceremony and we went to tour some of the universities I was applying to for my masters degree. I then hugged my mum who I saw quite recently. I always spend holidays with her since she's closer, but mostly because we couldn't afford the frequent trips to England for me to go see him.

I could tell my boyfriend was getting antsy so I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I'm so proud of you Ab" he whispered in my ear.

My boyfriend Owen and I started dating 3 years ago. He graduated from a 2 year college program when we were both 20 and then got his license to work as a water treatment operator which is what he's been doing for the past 2 years. He's explained to me what the job entails on countless occasions, but honestly I still couldn't tell you what he does.

We took some pictures, some with just mum, just dad, with Owen, then my parents and I all together. I also got some solo shots. My Mum made reservations for this fancy brunch place for all four of us which we then headed to after dropping off my gown. Considering my parents divorce they still have managed to stay good friends. I expected this though, they were together 25 years and went through the unthinkable together.

I took one last look at the school. I reflected on everything I went through in the past four years. They were some of the best and some of the worst years of my life, but to be honest I was content that I would never have to step foot inside of this school ever again.

Thankfully the brunch place was close by. I hated walking in heels, so I was thankful. We Sat down, ordered some mimosas to celebrate, then ordered our food. As we were waiting mum decided to raise a toast.

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