Chapter 29: From red to blue

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"Hi my name is Abigail Armstrong, I'm here to meet with Dr. Atkinson"  

I spoke to the secretary that was in the office of the psychology department at the university.  Although my professor was stepping down from his role at Arsenal to start his research, he was going to be teaching some undergrad classes, as he now had a more flexible position, as his lab was going to be based at the university. 

The secretary looked at her computer to find my name and the meeting I had scheduled in his calendar, one Leslie helped me set up after our walk a few days prior.  Apparently he had a busy schedule, since it seemed like forever for her to find my name. 

"Oh yes, you can take a seat, I'll let him know you're here" 

She pointed to the chairs behind me, and I went to go take a seat. 

I was a ball full of nerves, this was my last chance to getting my career back, and I was willing to do anything to make that happen.   

I found myself staring at the clock, watching the ticker move, wishing it would go faster, but it felt like slow-motion.  I was in a trance, looking at this clock, until I heard a voice that snapped me out of it. 

"Hi Abigail, It's been a long time" 

That was my professor.  He called me Abigail, I was used to him calling me Abi, but I guess I had lost those privileges of our working relationship. 

He gestured for me to come in his office and I followed. 

This office was different from the one he had two years ago.  Two years ago I was trying to get the opportunity to be his intern.  Two years later I was begging for my job back. 

He sat at his desk and I sat across from him.  I couldn't even form a sentence, so I stayed silent hoping he might have something to say first. 

And that he did. 

"You know you were the last person I would've expected this from" 

I never expected to be in a relationship with Leah Williamson either, it's funny how life works sometimes. 

"Sorry sir, what do you mean" 

"Remember Alina?" 

I nodded my head. 

"I knew about Leah's liking to her, I knew she was close with the team, and I knew she didn't actually have a passion for the field, but rather wanted to do this job to spend more time with athletes" 

"Is that how you feel about me?" 

"No, and that's what makes this much more difficult, you would have never gotten into this school on grades alone, it was your passion, you worked with the sports psychologist at your school, you had conversations with other ones, and you wrote me" 

The grade thing was a bit harsh but it was true. 

"This is the best program in England, that's why" 

"Have I told you I'm the reason why you got in?" 

I shook my head. 

"I was offered this research job the year Alina graduated, but I couldn't leave Arsenal in her hands, or anyone else, and that year you wrote me, I felt your passion and how you really wanted to make a change not only for the players but for this very small field, I knew before you even got here that I wanted you as my intern, and I wanted you to take over Arsenal at the end of your degree" 

Well this was a revelation. 

"Then why wouldn't you give me the chance to explain?"

"You're actions were unacceptable" 

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