Chapter 5: Surprises

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My first month at Arsenal flew by.  I started getting closer with the girls, especially Beth and Leah.  I was learning more everyday, growing more passionate about this career.  But most importantly I felt finally like I belonged somewhere, I felt at home. 

Sure, I did miss parts of my life from Canada, I missed Alex, I missed Owen, I missed my mum, I even missed the cafe I would get my coffee from all of the time.  I was happy here, and surely my people could see that too. 

The Arsenal season had started.  They won their first game against West Ham at home, Beth scored the first goal.  I was there but in the stands as my professor and I weren't needed.  I was able to get free tickets as I technically worked for the club.  So I sat and watched my friends play a good first game I was proud. 

I called Alex that night telling her all about it, even in university she had to deal with me talking about football all the time, she didn't mind though as I had to deal with her complaining about Seb all the time. 

"It was incredible, I wish you could've been there with me" 

"Maybe when I come visit you can get me a free ticket" 

"I'll try, no promises though" 

I really did miss her.  She's the one person who truly knows who I am, more than Owen does. 

"How are you and Owen" 

She often asked this. 

"We're good, although there's this blonde girl who he's always with, she's seeing one of his friends, so it's probably nothing" 

"I swear to god Abi, if he's cheating on you again" 

"He's not" I shut her down. 

I said goodbye and hung up the phone quickly after that.  This wasn't something I needed to focus on right now. 


It was Tuesday.  My favourite day of the week.  I walked into the Arsenal training grounds, without my professor.  I had finally saved up enough money to get myself a car.  I still walked most places, but I needed it to drive down to my dad as I hated taking the train, and the bonus was I got to drive myself to Arsenal. 

I felt a random person grab me from behind and cover my eyes. 

"Happy 1 month anniversary!!" The person sang, but I immediately knew who it was. 

"Thanks Beth" I shrugged her off before heading into the office.  

The rest of the day was good like any other day.  I got to speak more in sessions now.  My professor had started letting me say my opinions on strategies we were giving to the players.  It wasn't a lot yet, but still a change from just sitting in the background taking notes. 


As the day ended I packed up and headed back to my car.  Before I could get into it Leah was standing right there.  I didn't notice her so I was startled at first. 

"God Leah you scared me" 

She laughed. 

"My bad" 

This time I laughed. 

"I was wondering if you wanted to do something tonight like come over and watch a movie?" 

Was Leah Williamson wanting to see me more? 

"Sure that'd be nice" 

She smiled again.  

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