Chapter 26: Wedding bells

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After a few days spent back in my hometown, with my mum, Leah, and Jason, we were headed to British Columbia for Alex's wedding. 

Since I was Alex's maid of honour the next few days for me would be some of the most stressful.  From helping Alex getting last minute touches finished, rehearsal dinners, getting her vendors to stay after she screamed at them out of anxiety, reassuring her I would drive the getaway car if she had cold feet, I was honestly stressed out, so I forced Leah to help me with all of this.  Considering both Alex and I were two people that got stressed fairly easily, Leah being there made me believe I could at least have a level-head, so Alex was the only one having to deal with these emotions.  

Jason drove us all to the airport early that morning.  Our flight was set to leave at six thirty that morning, so we would land before noon in Vancouver.  Alex wanted this so more time would be devoted for her. 

Luckily when we got to the airport our flights weren't delayed or anything, which would only cause more stress. 

Leah got noticed at the airport by a little girl, she got noticed more on our way here, but she was an english footballer, so for her it was more of an honour getting recognized in a country she had never been to before. 

The girl looked to be about ten years old, she was telling Leah how her dream one day was to play in the WSL and for team Canada, she never said Arsenal was her favourite team, but you could tell by the way she was gushing over meeting Leah that it was in her top. 

"Why are you even in Toronto?" 

"Well, one of my very good friends is from here, and her best friend is getting married, so I thought I would tag along" 

I wasn't even apart of their conversation, but I could hear them clearly, and Leah pointed at me, her very good friend. 

"So you're like her date?" 

"Something like that" 

Leah and I could never tell anyone about our relationship, we knew that when we got togegther in the first place, but it was times like this, hearing it out loud, saying that we were just friends, made me wish this wasn't something that had to be private.  Sometimes I wished our love could be shared with the world. 


The flight was fine, I fell asleep on Leah's shoulder, but once she landed she told me she couldn't sleep.  I felt bad knowing we would probably have a few sleepless nights ahead of us, but she told me she was fine, just a bit of flight anxiety. 

Once we got to the hotel we got the keys to our room, and we both said bye to my mum and Jason, as they headed to their own room, to get a few more hours of sleep, before the dinner tonight.  The rehearsal dinner wasn't until tomorrow night, but with most of the bridal party and families flying in today, Alex wanted to do a dinner with everyone, almost like a celebration.  

We headed to our own room to drop off our bags, but Leah had to head straight to the bed.  She jumped on it and laid face down. 

"Le we don't have time for this" 

I heard her groan into the duvet cover her face was smushed into. 

"Can we just take five minutes to appreciate where we are?" 

She was right in a way.  Our hotel was gorgeous, and from our window we had a great view of the North shore mountains, that overlooked Vancouver. 

"Your face is in the duvet, you can't appreciate anything" 

She got herself up, and walked towards me, only pulling me into the bed with her, now her face was directed towards me. 

"I mean appreciate you and the gorgeous town we're in right now" 

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