Chapter 3: Coffee

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My first week at Arsenal was good.  It was a lot of me in the background trying to learn everything from my professor, then stepping out of the room when Leah came in for her sessions.  I didn't mind, although a part of me wishes that she could understand that I'm only there to learn and help, not judge her and treat her like she wasn't a person. 

"Still not letting you in the room huh?" Beth said. 

Beth would often come and talk to me when Leah would have me kicked out.  I don't think she could tell that it bothered me, but it was nice when she did. 

"It's only been a week, I'm not expecting to be her favourite person yet" 

"Well you're apart of our team regardless, you know why don't we get coffee after we're done training today" 

"Is that not unprofessional?" 

"Alina hung out with us all the time while she was here, just don't let your professor know and you're fine, but he's also oblivious so you'll be fine" 

"Okay" I smiled at her as she walked away. 

Leah's session finished.  I said hello to her like I did everyday this week, and like every other day she ignored me. 

I finished the day and my professor drove us back to campus.  I had settled into this routine quickly and it was nice, I almost forgot what day it was until I got a call from my mum as soon as I entered my flat. 

"Hi Mum, what's up" 

"You know on this day I think about you a lot more" 

"Oh fuck, thats today, you know I don't really like talking about it" Today was the day my life changed forever, my family changed, I changed, it was a day I always liked to forget. 

"Its been 5 years" 

"I know, I just don't wanna talk about it"  

We talked for a bit longer before I hung up, I needed to meet Beth in town for coffee. 

I walked to the coffee shop that Beth texted me to meet her at.  Once I got there I ordered myself an iced coffee and found us a table while I waited.  I was pretty early something my anxiety always made me do. 

Beth walked in and ordered a coffee herself before heading to the table I got for us.  We hugged, something she loved to do and I just accepted it. 

"Have you been settling okay?" she asked. 

"I mean yeah, I miss my friends from home and my fiance, and my mum, but dad's only a couple hours from London so I visit him pretty often" 

"Wait fiance?" She looked down at my ring.  It wasn't something I wore often.  I don't know why I didn't.  It wasn't like I wasn't happy. 

"Oh yeah, I don't really wear the ring often but his name's Owen we met when I was in uni, he proposed the day before I left" 

"So a fella huh? You happy?" I was shocked by this question. 


"Don't seem so convincing, not to pry but do you truly think he's the one if you don't even wear the ring" 

"Things are a bit more complicated than that" 

We were at the coffee shop for hours.  Talking about our families, my parent's divorce, Alex, football, and she even gave me advice about Leah.  It was nice.  It felt like I was finally starting to make friends here. 

"Me and Danielle are hosting a party this Saturday to celebrate the start of the season, you should come" 

"I'm working" 

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