Chapter 11: Brothers

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It was now December.  A week away from Christmas, the first Christmas I wouldn't be spending with my mom.  I usually spent Christmas with her and Alex would come too since she couldn't go home.  As much as I felt bad for not going home, she told me she was going to spend it at her friend's, and I got to spend it with my dad and I haven't spent Christmas with him in 5 years. 

Leah also begged me to spend Christmas Eve with her family in Milton Keynes.  We weren't official or anything yet, as we were still getting to know each other and enjoying each other's company, but it felt like we were.  I agreed, My parents didn't know about us, or the fact that I was gay yet, so I told my dad I would drive down late Christmas eve so I would still be there Christmas day.  We were planning on sleeping at his friend's place so we could still get a family feel. 

My placement was going well, I was learning a lot and finding my footing.  My thesis was going well and I had made a great start to it.  I was starting to fall in love with life again, once I finally started doing things for myself and not for other people, I was happy and nothing could ever take this from me. 

There was one thing that hurt though, lying to Leah.  We prided ourselves on being so open with one another, our struggles and everything in between.  I just couldn't bring myself to tell her about my brother, things were so much easier pretending he didn't exist, but I knew one day it would all come out and I didn't know how she would react.  


It was finally Christmas eve, I stayed the night before at Leah's and we were getting ready for the drive down.  We were taking separate cars since I had to drive down to Frome, but if we left at the same time it felt like we were leaving together anyway.  

"I don't know why I'm this nervous" 

"They'll love you, you have nothing to worry about" 

I was more nervous than I ever was when I met Owen's parents.  Things were different this time and it resulted in more nerves for me.  Leah made sure to reassure me and give me lots of soft kisses before we both made the hour and a half drive to the place she grew up. 


Leah got there before me, since I had to make a quick stop to get some last minute Christmas presents for Lewis and Connie, and some flowers for Leah's mom, and a bottle of wine for her parents.  

I got there and Leah waited outside the door for me.  

"Its only been 3 hours but I missed you" 

She wrapped me up in a hug almost making me drop everything I had in my hands and gave me a soft kiss on my forehead. 

She grabbed my hand and we headed into her childhood home.  Her parents and brother were sitting on the couches talking, all having a cup of tea.  When I walked into the room their heads all turned to look at me, they were all smiling. 

Leah's mom, Amanda instantly came up to me and gave me the biggest hug. 

"It's so nice to finally meet you" 

Leah must've talked a lot about me. 

We sat down with them for a bit.  Leah's parents asked me a lot about my schooling, career, and Canada.  It was nice, they really tried to make me feel apart of their family, even though I just met them two hours prior.  Leah then wanted to show me her childhood room. 

"This has been really nice, your family is amazing" 

"They're really great, having you here has truly meant everything to me" 

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