Chapter 13: 1000 piece puzzles

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The next few months were some of the best months of my life.  Leah and I were in a really good place, Great Britain just qualified for the Olympics, I started weighing in more in sessions.  I truly felt unstoppable at this point and nothing could ever stop this feeling. 

Until it was March 2020.  To be more specific, March 23rd, when the premier announced the nation-wide lockdown due to the corona virus.  The world was so uncertain, and for the first time since starting with Arsenal I had no idea what was going to happen. 

When the premier announced the lockdown it meant we had to stay in our houses.  Nobody knew how long this would last, and I knew I didn't want to be alone, neither did Leah. 

"How would you feel about moving in with me?" 

Leah asked me this the night of the day the lockdown was announced, she came over to mine so we could see each other one last time. 

"I would love that" 

I smiled at her and she helped me pack a few bags to bring to hers.  


The three weeks of the initial lockdown we spent together were amazing.  We watched netflix, made crafts, did puzzles, lived in our pyjamas, and ate a lot of ham sandwiches.  With both of our busy schedules, it was hard to ever spend this much quality time together.  Obviously we saw each other everyday when I was at Arsenal, but those were purely professional circumstances.  

One of our favourite things to do were those 1000 piece puzzles.  I mean I loved them, and Leah would get so impatient, which was always a good laugh.  We were buying different ones on Amazon every other day.  We were doing this one day, and Leah was definitely getting frustrated. 

"How can you even tell which one goes where, they're so small" 

She threw her hands up in a fit and headed to slump on the couch, her arms crossed. 

"It's called having attention to detail" 

I was busy putting pieces together one after another. 

"That's one of the things I love about you" 

She said that without even thinking, and panicked. 

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to push it" 

I turned around to look at her and smiled. 

"I love you too Leah" 

"Wait seriously" 

She looked surprised at my response.  We agreed to take things slow, after the party Alex and I threw at my place, but I knew, I knew that I loved her, and I wanted her to know. 

"Yes, seriously" 

We both laughed and she went over to the kitchen table where I was sitting to kiss me. 

"So, what else do you love about me" 

She was flustered by my question, but answered so perfectly. 

"Hmm, I love your body" 

We both broke out in laughter. 

"Okay being serious now, I love your brain, the way you always know what to say, I love the way your face turns weird whenever your doing school work" 

I gave her a friendly slap for that one. 

"But most importantly, I love you Abi, and I know I will forever" 

We were forever.  I wish this moment was everyday we spent together in lockdown, yet neither of us were prepared for what was about to happen.


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