Chapter 2: Arsenal

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I barely slept.  The weirdness from my call with Owen, and the anxiety I had about Arsenal, my brain was full.  I gave up at 4am.  Instead I decided to go for a run to try and calm my mind.  

I ran around London and eventually stopped at the pub I worked at. It was 5 am.  Most of the bartenders at all the different bars and pubs on this street are friends.  In the summer we would stay after hours and all just drink, play games, and talk until about 6 am.  I knew Rosie would still be around, she wasn't in school but she had big aspirations to become a singer.  I needed a pep talk from a friend, and when I couldn't call Alex because of the time difference, Rosie was my go to. 

I finally found her. 

"Hey Abi, what're you doing here, aren't you a busy student now" 

"I uh couldn't sleep" she left the guy she was with so we could talk alone. 

"What's up is Owen giving you problems" 

"Kind of, he's acting weird and I don't know how to bring it up, oh and I got a job with my professor at Arsenal and i'm scared I'm gonna fuck that up somehow". I started talking really fast. She wrapped her arms around me and gave me a hug. 

"Babe first of all you need to calm down, second of all you might just be overthinking things, I know you and you probably called him right as he woke up so he was probably just tired, third of all you're the smartest person I know, you're gonna do so well with this job and honestly you'll probably end up replacing your professor once you graduate" 

I gave her a hug.   

"Thank you" I whispered into her ear.

Even though I've only known Rosie for about 2 months, she knew me like Alex did, she knew how to calm me down.  I stayed with her for a bit, before heading back to my flat to get ready for the big day ahead. 

I set out my clothes the night before, but I ended up changing a few times more before settling on something to wear. A simple white blouse with black trousers.   My anxiety was taking over my brain.  

I was too anxious for breakfast so I made myself a coffee to go before heading to campus.  I walked over, hoping the fresh air would be able to calm me down like it did in the morning.  It didn't help. The pit in my stomach wouldn't go away no matter how desperate I was to get rid of it. 

I finally arrived on campus and headed to my professors office.  

"You ready for your big first day?" 

"Um, I guess, it's just all a bit intimidating at the moment" 

"Don't worry, you won't be doing much today anyway, really just introducing you to the players and you'll watch me and learn" 

"Shouldn't be too bad then" I smiled.  He smiled back and we headed outside to his car. 


The car ride to Arsenal's training grounds wasn't too long but I could tell my professor didn't like silence.  He asked me questions about life.  Why I moved here, how was my undergrad, as well as the ring on my finger.  Simple questions I could answer.   

We soon arrived.  Seeing these grounds in front of me was a surreal experience.  I've always supported the women's team.  Seeing where the team I would watch in my university apartment on my tiny computer screen trains was an experience I never thought I would have.  But this was simply for my professional career, and I couldn't let the football fan in me jeopardize any of that. 

We walked in and my professor gave me a tour before meeting with Jonas Eidevall, Arsenal women's head coach.  He shook my hand. 

"Hello, I'm Jonas" he smiled 

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