Chapter 6: A visitor and a fight

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Owen was spending the week here, he used his vacation time to surprise me.  We spent the weekend at my apartment apart from when I had to go to work but we stayed in our little bubble, disconnected from the world.  We spent every minute together in bed or on the couch, no one else in the world mattered but us in this moment.

Leah texted me a few times, I ended up muting her from my notifications, I couldn't deal with her this weekend or this week.  I even skipped the game on Sunday, it was all the way in Manchester, so I could use that excuse even though I promised I would go.  They won, Danielle scoring a late goal. 

On Monday after lecture, Owen and I finally left my apartment.  I showed him around campus and London, I brought him into the pub I worked at for a drink, and we got coffee at the coffee shop Leah would take me to. 

When it was Tuesday reality sunk in.  I had to go back to Arsenal and face the people who I had ignored all weekend.  The people who were my friends.  

Owen woke up early with me and we spent most of the morning together before I had to go.  I knew as soon as I left he was already back in bed sleeping.  He loved his sleep. 

I drove to the training grounds hoping I wouldn't have to see Leah until our session that day.  Once I arrived, I got out of my car and immediately ran into Beth.  As much as I hoped I wouldn't see her I knew she would be more understanding than Leah. 

"Where were you, missed a crazy game"  

I instantly felt bad.

"Owen's here" 

I waited for her to say something mean, but she didn't. 

"How cute is that, you should bring him around, would love to meet the guy" 

"Yeah, he surprised me, I'll have to talk to him, but I'm sure he would want to" 

"We could have dinner at my place with a few of the girls" 

"Yeah that'd be nice" 

I smiled at her, thinking it was the end of our conversation. 

"You need to talk to Leah" 

I nodded at her and she headed in.  I knew I needed to, but part of me didn't, she could easily ruin everything.  I couldn't let her do that. 


The rest of the day was normal.  When Leah came in it was like last week.  She let me stay in the room but we didn't acknowledge each other, and I didn't say anything.  

I went the entire day without seeing her one on one, until she followed me out to my car at the end of the day.  I almost made it. 

"Abi can you please just hear me out" 

I tried to ignore her.  I couldn't. 

"Leah, I just can't talk about it right now please" 

"Please just let me explain" 

"I can't" 

I got in my car, hoping she would walk away, and she did.  Part of me wanted her to stay, but she didn't.  I felt tears coming from my eyes.  I wiped them away and drove home. 

I came home to a dinner Owen cooked for me.  He set the table with candles and made my favourite meal, tomato soup and grilled cheese.  It was the perfect ending to a pretty bad day. 


The rest of the week Leah didn't talk to me.  I told her not to and she respected that.  The entire week I would go to Arsenal, then go back to Owen.  I could finally see how my life was supposed to turn out. 

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