Chapter 19: Red Dress

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After a short, but long 7 hours, I had landed in Toronto.  Alex and Seb were picking me up, since my Mom hates driving long distances, and I was staying them until Christmas eve.  The plan for Alex and I to cram months of wedding planning into 2 days, which would probably be the end of me. 

I loved going to weddings, but the idea of planning one was my worst fear.  Not that I didn't want to get married because I do, but the only person I ever talked to about it was Owen.  I do hope Leah and I would get married one day, but it was something that we just never spoke about.  

Alex was a super particular person, which meant this whole process, besides from cramming all of the planning, would be extra tedious.  From the flower arrangements, to the cake, even how the invitations were supposed to look, she had very specific ideas, and if she couldn't find them she would do anything in her power to make them come true.  I was really there to be the good cop if she pissed anyone off to much that they don't want to give her their business. 

I walked out of terminal one and saw my best friend, standing there with a welcome home sign. 

"Wow you really went all out"  

"Only the best for you"

We wrapped ourselves in the tightest hug, and got into Seb's car.  He gave me a hug from the driver's seat, welcoming me back as well, and we drove off, updating Seb on everything he missed from my life from the past year and a half even though Alex probably already had told him everything. 


We got back to their apartment and the first thing I wanted to do was have a long hot shower, contrary to Alex who wanted to start planning, but I could not deal with that stress without feeling clean first.  I always felt the most disgusting after a long flight. 

I went to their guest room to put my stuff away.  I took my phone out of my pocket and realized I forgot to take it off of airplane mode since I was so distracted by everything around me.  I turned it off and a photo from Leah popped up on my phone.  It was a photo of her and Olly cuddling on her couch.  It made me smile. 

Abi: I'm starting to think you like Olly more than me

Leah: He's coming close, but you know that could never be true. 

I laughed then hopped in the shower. 


"We've been working on these invitations for 4 hours can we please take a break" 

Part of Alex being so particular about things meant we were hand making her invitations, there were 400 of them. 

"Not until they're done" 

I sucked it up and continued stamping the words onto the card paper, while she put them enveloped and sealed them with wax, like how they would in the older days. 

"What time is your appointment tomorrow?" 

Tomorrow we were going shopping for her wedding dress, it was at this boutique in the city, where you needed to make your appointment months in advance. 

"11:30, and they sell bridesmaids dresses there too, we could maybe find one for you there" 

I was also the only one in Alex's bridal party, before I moved to England we were each other's only friends and promised that we would each only have one person in our bridal parties.  I was her maid of honour and she would be mine.  We were 18 when we made that promise to each other. 

Since she only had me, which meant there was not as many expenses that you would usually have for bridesmaids, she offered to pay for my dress.  Her and Seb had really well paying job, and Seb's parents are paying for a big portion of the wedding, but that didn't mean I ever expected her too.  So I often debated it, but she would always convince me to let her pay for it. 

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