Author's Note

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Dear readers, 

Before the story of Abigail Armstrong begins I thought I would leave you all a letter, from me to you.  Abigail's stories touches on many important topics in the world.  I advise you at certain parts if they make you feel uncomfortable to not read them.  This story was not created with the intentions of harming others but rather to help people, and hopefully show that everyone is so strong and deserves everything good in life.  Abigail's story reflects many situations in my own life so creating this character and showing her world has meant a lot to me.  I realize there are some things people may not understand so I thought I would explain beforehand.  Abigail's field of study is sports psychology, which uses psychological knowledge and skills to address optimal performance and well-being of athletes.  This field of study is not offered at UCL (from what i'm aware of) but i thought the school would be useful for this story.  I also am not sure is WSL team use sports psychologists, but we'll just ignore this fact.  I also thought it would be important to note Abigail's self discovery (you'll understand after the first chapter but please don't stop reading because of it).  A huge part of someone's 20's is figuring out who they are and what they want from life, and that's what she does.  Anyways, I don't want to give too much away, but I hope you enjoy and this story means something to you like it has to me. 


Your Author

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