Chapter 4: A car ride of apologies

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"Get in the car". 


"Goddammit Abi, if i'm the reason something happens to you I won't let myself live this down" 

I reluctantly agreed, but I got into the passenger seat of the captain's car.  It was clear I've been crying, so I looked down, I was embarrassed.  From the corner of my eye I could see her staring at me. 

"Look, I'm sorry" 

I continued to look down. 

"I shouldn't have treated you the way I did" 

My eyes stayed glued to the ground. 

"I don't trust people easily, I lost of one of the only people I truly did, and I took it out on you that was wrong" 

My eyes finally locked into contact with hers. 

"Do you really mean that?" 

"Yes of course" 

I nodded.  I finally heard what I've been wanting to hear all night.  So in my already emotional state, I cried. 

Leah wrapped her arm around me to comfort me.  A feeling in me that I haven't had in a long time came up in my stomach. 

"If it makes you feel any better, Beth screamed at me after you left, made me come after you" 

"Course she did, but you didn't only apologize because she made you, right?" 

"At first yeah, but everything you said was true, you didn't deserve it, plus you don't really know what anyone is going through, so I shouldn't have acted that way" 

I nodded at what she said, and smiled.  She smiled back.  The first time Leah and I would ever share a smile together, how the world was changing.  

Leah drove me home.  The car ride was silent.   I didn't mind, at least I knew she didn't hate me. We soon arrived back to my flat. 

"Who knows Leah, maybe i'll be your new best friend" 

"Yeah who knows Abi" 

I got out of the car and thanked her.  Once I got back into my flat, I sighed of relief and smiled.  I wasn't sure if it was the fact that I've watched her play football for so long, or if there was more to the story. 

I crashed very quickly.  I was exhausted. 


The next day I woke up to a text from an unknown number. 

I got your number from Beth, I think we should have a proper conversation. 

This wasn't how I was expecting my Sunday to go.  I spent about 10 minutes trying to formulate a response before finally answering. 

Coffee? In an hour? 


I caught myself smiling again.  Leah told me a coffee shop to meet her and I sprung out of bed to get ready.  I only had an hour, but I liked that, if I had more time I would just be overthinking everything, which would only make me more overwhelmed. 

This was simply just a conversation, maybe to understand each other more, but nothing more.  

I got ready quickly and headed out to the coffee shop Leah told me to meet her at.  It was very secluded, clearly she didn't want any attention brought to us.  

When I got there she was already sitting down, coffee in hand.  I grabbed my own and headed to sit with her.  We didn't hug, like I did with Beth two days ago, but that wasn't something I was expecting.  We sat in silence for a bit, clearly not knowing what to say to one another, until I broke the silence. 

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