Chapter 18: December

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The next couple months flew by.  I went back to my lectures in September, and I even became a teaching assistant for a few of the undergraduate psychology classes. In one of the first year classes, I actually ran a lab session, it was weird seeing I was in that same position 5 years ago, and quite honestly made me feel old. At the end of the day it was a good paying job, so I ended up leaving my job at the pub in order to focus on that.

When I left that job, Rosie was obviously upset, I promised her that we would stay in touch, considering she was one of my first friends here, but she told me she would ditch her for my Arsenal friends anyway.  I made sure she knew I wouldn't do that, but god knows if she would actually believe me.  

The start of the season at Arsenal was going okay for them, they lost against Manchester United and tied against Chelsea, but they had some good wins as well.  I also started attending games in the wings, with all of the other staff of Arsenal.  My professor let me attend the games instead of him, as he used the weekends to spend time with his wife and kids. It was weird wearing an Arsenal track suit when most of the time I was really needed.  I've probably only been used once or twice when a player is being sloppy or not playing to their full potential to give them a few words of encouragement.  It still was a cool experience though, so I shouldn't be complaining.  

Since I was taking players as my own patients now, I found it much easier to write my thesis, not that I didn't understand the career I was pursuing before, but when you're actually doing something it makes things so much easier. 

My friendship with Beth was still going strong, since we worked out our fight.  She was definitely getting better at keeping things to herself.  I would often be at her apartment and would crash her date nights with Dan, I was almost like their child.  

Leah though, we were more friendly with each other, and would hang out more often, but something that was supposed to be nice for both of us only made things harder, for me at least, I was unsure about her.  Every moment we spent together, I either wanted to kiss her, or hold her hand, but I knew we couldn't, we were getting better for each other, and that meant us just being friends, anything more than that wasn't allowed, per the rules we made when we decided to be friends.  Other than those small things we were in the best place we had been since we first met each other last year. 

It was now December, Christmas was coming, the end of the first half of the Arsenal season was coming, and the due date for my thesis presentation was looming.  This also meant I was headed back to Canada.  I hadn't seen my mum since I left and I promised Alex I would be there for her wedding dress shopping.  As her maid of honour, this was the one thing I couldn't do over the phone. 


It was now the end of the Arsenal season and I was set to fly back to Canada on the 22nd of December.  I spent the 21st at Beth's place with Dan, although I would be back for the New year's party that they threw every year.  

"I think I'm going to invite Leah to Alex's wedding in May" 

Beth and Dan both gave be a side eye look. 

"Are you sure?" Beth asked.

"Why? Should I not?" 

"I thought you guys made like some sort of contract, wouldn't inviting her break that" 

"It's not a contract, plus who else would I bring as my plus one" 

"Me? I love weddings" 

Beth gave me a look like she was begging to go, and I laughed. 

"Fine you don't have to bring me, as long as you make sure to set boundaries go right ahead, but don't go crying to me if something happens" 

She gave me a stern mom look. 

"Nothing's going to happen Beth" 


It was now the next day, the day I was flying back to Canada.  There was no excitement at all for this trip.  Okay, that's a lie, maybe a bit of excitement to see Alex and the cats I grew up with, and to sleep in my childhood room.  There's something about going home and sleeping in that bed that just has a specific feeling, something you only understand when you are in that situation. 

My flight was in the afternoon and Leah said she would drive me so I wouldn't have to leave my car at the airport for the two weeks I was there, airport parking can get expensive.  She was also taking care of Olly for me, all the other girls had pets already, so to avoid him not getting along with their pets, Leah made the gracious offer to care for him, and to avoid the expense of me getting a dog sitter. 

Leah picked me up promptly and drove me to Heathrow, it was about a 40 minute drive from my flat, due to London traffic and the holiday season, but it gave me and Leah some more time together before I left. 

Of course we weren't dating, but I knew I was going to miss her, you're allowed to miss your friends. 

We were almost at the airport and I knew I wanted to ask her something before I left. 

"I have a wild proposition for you and you can totally say no if you're not interested" 

She gave me a weird look. 

"Okay, continue" 

"So, Alex is getting married as you know, and I was hoping you would come with me" 

"Like as your date?" 

I stopped, remembering the promises we made to each other. 

"Like, a friend thing, I just couldn't think of anyone else I would want to bring, plus its going to be in British Columbia in the mountains, so it's like a vacation for you before you're crazy summer" 

"I'd love to go, as your friend" 

Emphasis on the friend. 

We soon got to the airport and we both said our goodbyes.  We would see each other at Beth's New years party and she promised to call me every other day so I could see Olly, but it was still sad saying goodbye. 

I watched her drive away since she didn't park and just dropped me off at the drop off station.  I hauled my suitcase into the check in area at Heathrow.  It was like I was back in Canada heading into Pearson airport about to start my new life in England, except this time it was different, my life was completely different than a year and a half ago, and I was heading back to the life I was trying to leave behind. 



-A bit of a filler chapter and also short, but I though it'd be a good idea to add in some catch up's since much didn't happen

-Of course Abi doesn't want Alex not to be a part of her life, it's more so the person she was while living in Canada, because she changed a lot in the time she has spent in England, I just wanted to make that clear:) 

-Also Happy new year:) I spent my new years eve at a party with a lot of my old high school friends, some I haven't seen in like 4 years so It was nice catching up with everyone! How did y'all celebrate?:) 

-As always thanks for all of your love<3

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