Chapter Six

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Love this song, just had to post it. Pretty, Pretty, Please.

Taylor's P.O.V.

"Don't even think about it." She says and takes a step away from me. 

"Why it'll be fun?" I ask and take a step towards her.

"Then you jump in the lake." She says and takes another step away from me.

"But it will be funner if you jump in." I say and walk closer to her.

"I don't have my swim suit." She says and tries to make an excuse.

"I've seen you in a sports bra what's the difference." I say and wait for another excuse that she wants to say. I raise my eyebrows at her. She puts one finger up and looks like she's thinking. I pick her up bridal style because she was distracted. 

"Don't." She says and clings to me.

"Your going in willingly or I will throw you in." I say and stop right before the lake.

"Fine, Fine." She says. "Let me down." 

"K, but if you don't jump in I will throw you in." I say and set her down. She takes of her sweatshirt and shirt. 

"Glad I always wear sports bras." She mumbles. "Hey your going in too." She says and points to me. I laugh and start to take my shirt of. Once we're both in just undergarments we jump in.

"It's really cold." She says and treads water to stay afloat. 

"Just a little. Can you touch?" I ask and laugh at her. 

"No, the water is like 8 feet deep." She says and starts to swim around.

"True." I follow her and she splashes me. "What was that for?" I ask and wipe my face off.

"For saying you were going to throw me in the water and because it was funny to see your reaction." She says and swims away so I can't splash her. I chase her in the water and we challenge each other with different things.

"K, who can hold her breath longer?" I say knowing I can beat her in this one.

"Your on." She says and gets ready. "One, Two, Three." We both go under the water. I last like 45 seconds and then rise to see where Alaina is. Is she still underwater? How can she beat me in this?

Once I count and it's been a minute I start to worry. "Boo." She says behind me and pushes me down. I end up sinking because I wasn't expecting that which makes her laugh and help me up. "Got ya." She says and laughs at me.

"You think that's funny," I say and grab her. She tries to swim away, but can't. "You might want to hold your breath," I say and push her under. She pops up breathing heavily. 

"Not cool." She says wiping her face off and splashes me. I go to get her back but she says "I'm too tired to swim anymore." She says and floats on her back. She looks peaceful and beautiful as if she's apart of the water. I want to ask her why she didn't finish when she said Hunter a couple hours ago and why she gets the bad dreams, what are they about and why she jumps so easily, but she would never tell me because her walls are up and she has extra ones so they don't break down. 

I think she fell asleep because when I swim towards her she doesn't move or open her eyes. 

"What are you doing?" She asks and opens her eyes. I startles me a little and she laughs. 

"Thought you were asleep." I say and swim right next to her. 

"Want to but you keep moving the water which moves me." She says and goes under the water. When she gets up from under the water I pull her over to me. "What?" She asks a little nervous. 

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