Chapter Fourteen

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Taylor's P.O.V.

We all get into the van. Zack drives us to the place we think Alaina is being kept at. Trinity is in the passenger side while me and Greg are in the back.

It takes us 20 minutes to get there, but when we do Zack parks the car we all hear gunshots. "Come on, move forward." Greg says. All of us start running. We have our guns out just incase. I see Alaina run out some doors. She looks tired and she looks hurt really bad. She drops something and then wobbles on her feet. I run faster to get to her, but she falls to the floor. Then I hear a shot. I go into front of Alaina and pull her up to me. I feel a sharp pain in my shoulder, but I keep moving to get her in the van. Trinity and Zack shoot back while Greg opens the door to the van.

"Retreat." Greg calls after we're in the van. Trinity and Zack run back. Greg shoots to make sure that Trinity and Zack get back without any trouble. Zack hops in the driver's side and pulls away. He looks back at us, but I'm looking Alaina over.

"I'm going to try and stop as much bleeding as I can, so I need to you help me. Can you do it?" I ask as Greg looks horrified.

"Greg help her." Trinity says looking back. Greg shakes his head and looks at me.

"Grab the first aid kits." I say holding Alaina's head up. Greg grabs it and hands it to me. I rip it open and grab some gauze. "I can't clean them so when we get back we need to bring her to doc. I'll tell him everything about the wounds. I need you to keep it under wrap though." I say and look at him. He nods his head and calls someone. I rip Alaina's jeans where there looks like to be a stab. "Shit." I say and Trinity looks back scared for her friend. Alaina's cut is infected, it looks like something was rubbed into it. I put gauze on it and wrap it. It bleeds through the gauze within minutes. "Does anyone have a scarf or belt?" I ask looking around for something I can tie her leg with.

"Here." Trinity says and hands me a belt. I take and wrap it around her leg. I can't keep her head in place though to do the rest and see if there is any fatal injuries. "Trinity can you come back here and help?" I ask. Trinity hops in the back with tears down her cheeks.

"W-what do you need?" She asks and looks at me.

"Sit so you can have her head on your knees. I need you to hold her head so her neck doesn't get hurt or anything. Careful because she has a head wound." I say as she grabs Alaina's head. She looks down at her friend and starts crying.

"Um does the people that where after Alaina have black cars?" Zack asks and takes a sharp turn. I tap my earpiece.

"Sky get us out of here and way from them." I say. She starts talking and Zack nods his head. I zone her out and focus on Alaina.

"Hold on. This will be rough." Zack say and then I feel all the bumps we are going through. I think we're going through grass or and old road. I try to get all the bad wounds bandaged up, but she has so many it's hard.

"Taylor her pulse is slow." Trinity says and looks at me with more tears. I put my fingers to her neck and don't feel any pulse. Dammit.

"K set her down she can't breath." I say and Trinity does as I ask. I begin doing CPR. After a few times her pulse comes back, but it's really slow.

"Thank the lords." I say and rest my forehead on hers. "Thank you." I whisper before pulling her put into my lap.

"Where here." Zack says and hops out of the car. Trinity opens the door and I pick up Alaina. Greg gets out and opens the doors to the building. We bring her to doc and Sky comes down chasing someone. Sara gasps.

"I tried to hold her back, but she ran." Sky says. I put Alaina on a gurney and turn to Sara.

"Can you go back with Sky?" I ask getting down to her level.

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