Chapter 16

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The death eaters had been dismissed, which meant Haiden had little time before he had to return to Hogwarts himself. Haiden placed four items on the table, in front of The Dark Lord. They were his horcruxes. "Father." He addressed the Dark Lord sitting on the opposite side of the table. "Haiden." He replied, coolly. Haiden cocked his head to the side, a small smirk playing on his lips. TheDark Lord made no reaction, seemingly intent on not starting the impending conversation. The father and son sat in silence until Kathleen Lestrange entered the meeting room. 

"So how did the meeting go? " She asked, sitting down on the arm of Marvolo's chair. 

"Haiden used the Cruciatus curse on your sister in law, other than that, uneventful. " Marvolo said, his tone casual. 

"Well I hope you looked every bit the mad my family is known for." Kathleen replied, a smile tugging at her devastatingly beautiful face. 

"Of course mother. " Haiden replied, grinning, eyes shining with mirth.

"About the Malfoy heir. " Marvolo started. Haiden's eyes narrowed. He admits that he may have gotten a bit distracted by Draco, however it wasn't noteworthy. He handled himself with grace worthy of royalty. 

"Yes, father? " He asked, keeping his face expressionless. 

"Have you spoken to him? We cannot afford for him to be a liability, not for you nor for the mission. " Kathleen explained, sensing the tension in Haiden's statement. 

"Not yet, I was planning to soon. However, in case you are worried, I will give you my word. I will not let anything come in between the mission. That being said, what I do will not be monitored. I work with you father, not for you. " Haiden replied, tone not leaving room for argument. 

A small smile made its way onto the Dark Lord's face at that. He had taught him well in the limited time that they had. "Very well. Understand your priorities, my son. " 

Haiden nodded, Kathleen clapped her hands, "How about some tea? " 

*Time Skip*

Haiden needed privacy and most of all to get away from the senile buffoon Dumbledore and the only place that could give him that was the Chamber of Secrets and hence, he found himself walking towards the second floor abandoned girl's lavatory. 

He stopped at the door, hearing voices. It was the signature nasally tone of Moaning Myrtle the ghost haunting the lavatory and another voice, boyish and breathy. Haiden leaned against the door, knocking twice. Myrtle, startled, ran to hide as Draco turned, wand drawn. Haiden entered the lavatory, steps relaxed, much unlike what would be expected from the boy he was impersonating. "Potte-" Draco stopped himself, realisation hitting him. 

He was about to put the wand down and apologize when Haiden held up his hand, silencing him. He nodded his head towards the sinks as he opened the door to the chamber of secrets. Wordlessly he walked in, whether Draco would follow him would be entirely his choice. It had hardly been a few seconds when he heard another person's footsteps approaching him. Haiden stopped in front of the skeleton of the basilisk, waiting for Draco. It wasn't until the blond stood in front of him that Haiden let go of the glamour of Harry Potter. 

The blond let out a deep breath, eyes trailing over the other man's body. He should be scared, terrified even, after all he was in an enclosed dangerous area with who could be considered one of the most dangerous and powerful wizards in Britain if not the world but the prospect of his life being in the hand of the Dark Lord's son, his mate was thrilling to him, partly at the faith that his mate wouldn't hurt him and partly at the uncertainty of the same faith. 

When the blond met the ravennet's eyes, he had to physically stop himself from shuddering,  Haiden was looking at him the same way a predator stalks its prey, wild, unashamed lust-Whether it was for his blood or him, Draco wasn't sure but he wasn't opposed to either. Haiden walked closer stopping at a respectable distance, giving Draco a chance of making a break for it but he knew that it would just increase the thrill of it. 

"Your turn." He said, cocking his head to the side as if daring him to refuse. Draco let loose a breath and let the glamour go. The suppressant kept his creature under control, but he needed the glamour to conceal his creature identity. He felt Haiden's-his mate's- eyes roam over his body unhurriedly and unashamedly. 

*Haiden's POV*

Draco Malfoy is gorgeous. I had already known that, in fact most of Hogwarts did but now, he was devastating. The sharp angles of his face somehow brought a softness in his features, his eyes looked like liquid silver and his hair, it was longer, it looked so soft that it took everything in me not to run my fingers through them. No artist in the world could paint his essence, no camera in the world could capture his beauty. He looked every bit otherworldly. 

I raised my arm towards him, I needed to touch him, if only to convince myself he was real. I let my hand stay in the air, so so close to him that I was almost shaking. If Draco stepped back, I'd let him go, I'd withdraw but I hoped he wouldn't. My skin was burning, I'd only understood that when I felt the contrast against the smooth, cool skin under my palm. I cupped his jaw and trailed a thumb along his cheek leaving a trail of red on the porcelain skin, as if the blood in his face was following my lead. 

"Haiden" He called and Merlin, I almost panted. After six years Draco Malfoy had found yet another way of driving me crazy. 

"Draco." I said, like it was a prayer as I waited for him to continue. We stood in silence as my eyes read his. Merlin save me, I was intoxicated in the drug that is Draco. 

"Haiden..? " I nodded. 

"Mate." I closed my eyes. 

"Mate." I confirmed. And suddenly I felt bare. I was his, my soul was his, completely, utterly, brokenly his. Just as he was mine. We stood in silence, it was all I could ever want. Someone who was truly mine and I would do anything to keep him, anything. 

"We should be going…" He said, his tone conveying the misery I felt. I kissed his forehead, hesitant to let him go but I stepped away. We redid our glamours as we started making our way back. 

"Can I sneak you away this Saturday?" I asked as we were about to exit the Lavatory. He smiled, cheeks tinged red, "Yes, you may if you can, my friends are very observant" He laughed and walked away. I couldn't stop the smile on my own face, for the first time this week, I had something to look forward to. 


When Everything Changes (REWRITE)  [HIATUS]Where stories live. Discover now