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After the election, everyone had the rest of the day off paige asked if i wanted to come over to her house and hang out. And i obviously said yes i want to spend every second i can with her. We walked out of the gym as i went to the parking lot i grabbed Pagies hand she looked at me and smiled "The mysterious AJ Campos holding my hand." she leaned her shoulder closer to me i looked around "Where is Dillion and Stacey?" Paige looks around and then rolls her eyes. Her phone goes off " ass hole" she says under her breath. She calls someone she looks annoyed " Dillon you're my only ride!! My mom is doing" She pauses "You are so annoying and i hate you... you always choose her Thanks a fucking lot ass hole" Dillion says something Paige clenches her fists so hard her knuckles turn white I go over to her and put my head on her shoulders and wrap my arms around her waist and hold her hand ..... You know what shut the fuck up"

Paige hung up and looked at me with an awkward smile. " so Dillon is with Stacey and is saying we have to walk home which is like 12 to 13 blocks from here or something" I didn't care how far or how long it took I just wanted to be around her. "let's go evens" she takes a sip of her coffee. We talked the whole way it took us about an hour or less. when we got to her house she offered me water and then we went up to her room. She had paintings and posters all around her room.i walked around her room looking at all the art in awe she had a desk with papers and sketches everywhere i looked around and she wasn't there so i assumed that she had gone to the bathroom. I looked through her sketches and then i saw i sketch of me holding a skateboard. With my name in cursive, she comes over to look over my shoulder " oh shit umm that's not finished you weren't supposed to see that" she mutters under her breath " dont be wired paige don't mess this up" Paige moves the drawing. I smiled nobody has ever done that for me. "I love it"

i say grabbing both of her hands. " by the way I'm not going anywhere i have waited a long time for this. I have wanted to be with you since the day i met you. Paige....." I took a deep breath " Paige Evens will you be my girlfriend" i look at the floor my anxiety is as high as a kite right now. she puts her hand on my chin to make me look at he " Aj Campos it would be an honor" i couldn't help but kiss her she kissed me back i lean into the kiss and she grabs my waist.

"Finally," someone said I turned to look and saw Dillon in the doorway. " what the hell are you doing here?" Paige seemed confused she had her arms crossed she looked annoyed. " i came because you sounded mad when we talked" "Yeah maybe because you were supposed to pick me up but instead you decided to take off without telling me."

"Gezz you need to chill the fuck out my dude just because I didnt pick you up and chose Stacey you have no right to be mad at me. God you can be so much work sometimes" i could tell Dillon was wasted and Pagie was mad " you left me Dillon you didnt tell me where you were going you just left..... like he did" A tear rolled down her cheek. " you know what he left for a good reason!" Dillion screamed at her Paige started to cry and ran into the bathroom I got mad nobody talks to my girl like that " Dillon i don't know what the fuck is going on with you right now. i don't know all that just happened but you hurt her and made her cry and when you hurt her you hurt me. And i will protect her with my life. I go to the bathroom and knock on the door " babe you okay" I can hear her crying Dillon is standing at the door frozen. He ran to the bathroom door "Paige im so sorry please forgive me i didnt mean that. Its not your fault her left" she was sobbing " GO AWAY DILLION I DONT EVER WANT TO TALK TO YOU AGAIN" she yelled so loud that people out side of the house could have heard. " please Paige" his forehead was on the door. " GO !!" i stood up "You need to leave right now!!" I raised my voice i was mad. " you are not the boss of me or Paige" Dillon screamed "You're right but im paiges Girlfriend and i will protect her with my life so you need to get the hell out of here before i lose my shit and i promise you, Dillon, you don't want to deal with me when i am pissed you can ask gabby it is not pretty. So get the hell out and get your shit together and NEVER and i mean it NEVRE talk to Paige in the way you just did" "Paige you deserve better than her" Dillon stormed out. What he said got me I'm not gonna lie, Paige opened the door and hugged me. I put my forehead to her's " like I said I'm not going anywhere i got you I promise."



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