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I wake up to the sound of my alrm going off only one more week till summer vacation as i got out of my bed my laptop went off. I went to go check my email and i was in shock. I applied to cal arts a while ago before paige and i were together but i didnt think i was gonna get in so i sisnd tell paige but then i read the emile

Dear ms. Campos we are happy to inform you of your acceptance into cal arts we look forward to meeting you

See you soon ,cal art

" holy fuck"

My phone went off paige was calling me

" hey babe whats up"

" im outside"

" okay ill be right down

I quickly got dressed grabbed my skateboard and ran downstairs. I walked out and saw paige sitting on the stairs i snuk up behind her and wrapped my arms around her and kissed her

"Hey beautiful"

" hey"

We started to walk to school

" hey you okay"

Paige asked me i looked at her and smiled i stopped

" i need to tell you something."

I grabbed both of her hands

" okay?... your worrying me"

I chuckled

" umm so i didnt tell you something that i should have awhile ago. And i dont want you to be mad"

" okay?...."

"So I started to get more interested in art before regionals and i wanted to do something for myself instead of my parents controlling me. So i impulsively decided to apply to .....Cal Arts...."

Paige was silent for a while

" babe can you say something please"

" umm... I ......"

Paige let go of my hands

" Paige?"

Paige started to pace on the sidewalk I started to get nervous.

" babe.. Come on im sorry"

Then all of a sudden she started to chuckle and smile. I was so confused on what was happening.

" soooo?....."

" babe im so happy for you we get to spend the summer together in california."

Paige runs into my arms and i hold her she pulls away and kisses me i put my forehead to hers. I really dont know how i got this lucky, ive waited to be with paige for well forever and now that we are here I dont ever want to lose her. This is home and i dont ever want to leave.

We start to walk to school paige inerlaces her fingers with mine I look at my girlfriend and smile. As we arrived to school we went to our lockers and grabbed our books.

Paige and I didnt have first period together but we had 3rd.

I kissed paige before heading to class. The day went by really fast and soon enough it was the end of the day i went out to the parking lot to skate before track practice paige joined me out side. She walked up to me drinking some water and in her short shorts and a white tank top. She looked beautiful as usual

I got off my skateboard and ran up to her

" hey, Evans"

I pulled her into me she wrapped her arms around my waist I leaned in and kissed her i put my hands on her cheek and deepened the kiss as i deepened the kiss I heard her let out a little moan. I pulled back and looked at her and couldnt help but smile. She made me so happy

" wow, did I make the mysterious AJ Campos smile?"

" shut up Evens"

" make me"

She looked at me in my eyes and i felt my whole body go weak. Paige was my kryptonite

I went in and kissed her again and pulled away just a littel so i could whisper

" Paige Rose Evens your are my kryptonite"

I was about to kiss her again when i heard a voice from behind me i turn around to see Dillon. He looked bad i stood in front of Paige

" go away Dillon she doesn't want to talk to you"

" please Paige just hear me out"

I look at Paige to make sure it was okay she nodded her head and I stepped aside.

I would do anything to keep her safe and happy she is my world and im wont let anyone hurt her

" Paige, im so fucking sorry I was an asshole and i should have treated you better i should have never said those things to you and AJ you both are perfect for each other and i have never seen you so happy and thats all I want for you... I want you to be happy. And im sorry that i was so rude i cant lose you your my best friend"

Paige looked confused and then she smield.

" all i wanted was for you to take accountability for what you said and did and thank you for apologizing to AJ."

" so were good?"

Paige nodded Dillon went to hug her i could hear him sniffle he was crying. We heard coach Murry's shout at the top of his lungs to come to the field we all went to meet him on the track we stood in a circle around him i held paige's hand

" okay we have another track meet coming up its an away game in California we flying there tomorrow. So get your things packed we leave at 3pm"

I froze for a second wait did he say fly. Yeah no I'm not going im terrified of flying what does the world hate me so much. I start to freak out I run into the bathroom and fall to the floor. I cant breath the room starts to close in on me then I hear her voice.

" babe?!" i hear her sit down next to me and she puts her hand on my back

" AJ hey look at me"

I lift my head up and look at paige she tucks a piece of my hair behind my ear im still hyperventilating

"You okay, you safe I promise i won't let anyone hurt you"

I lean into her arms knowing that i feel safe when im with her she kisses my head and wraps her arms around me god I love her so much but I cant tell her just yet. we stay in the bathroom for a while and she just holds me. After a bit, we stood up we both went to the parking lot.

" i have to go home and pack"

" i do too"

I kiss her before i skate home. It takes me about 20 minutes to get home gabby's is already home and my mom and dad are out of the country for a month. I head up to my room and start to pack my things for the track meet. After I packed my things I layed down on my bed and fell asleep.


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