Chapter 1

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With the moon shining brightly, the dark silhouette of a man could be seen standing on the edge of a steep cliff overlooking the People's Palace. The mysterious figure appeared to be oblivious to the chilly night air, the snow falling silently around him or the danger of being discovered so close to the Lord Rahi's home.

Stroking his chin, his eyes were fixed solely on the fortless that sat below, his mind consumed with nothing but what lays before him. Not even the sea of tents holding the Lord Rahi's army that spread out like a protective barrier outside of the Palace walls could deter him at this point.

The tents were at least twenty deep, running like a black moat all the way around the Palace, protecting the Lord Rahi and Mother Confessor as well as all those they held dear, including their twin daughters that had been rumored to have been born in the last few days.

A malicious smile broke across his face, his eyes beginning to gleam brightly in the darkness of the night as his thoughts settled on the Lord Rahi's twin daughters. The magic, the sheer power that flowed through the veins of those girls would be unimaginable.

There could be no greater power in creation than the combined blood of Lord Richard Rahi and the most powerful Mother Confessor to have lived in over a thousand years. If he could gain control over that power, the possibilities would be endless.

Destroying Richard Rahi, keeping the Mother Confessor for himself would be the ultimate prize. And if she refused to comply, Kahlan Amnell Rahi would find herself on the unpleasant end of the Mord'Sith's persuasive techniques. She would submit or die... and Richard would have the distasteful experience of watching it all untold before him, unable to do anything to stop it from happening to her.

The distant, familiar flapping of gars' wing filtered through his mind, reminding him he was not alone up here on this cliff. Predators and prey alike filled these mountains and he was all too happy to be considered the former.

His tongue darted out, gliding hungrily along his lips as his thoughts begin to swarm around his future plans, his heart beating faster. If he had his way, he'd have his throne back now, but he knew he had to wait, wanted to make Richard squirm, making him wonder exactly what his brother was up to.

Shouting. Arguing. Anger.

The distorted sounds invaded her mind tugged mightily at her senses. She squeezed her eyes tighter shut against the words that she heard but could not quite grasp hold of. She wanted so desperately to give into the grasp that was trying to drag her back into that blissful state of nothingness, but there was the sound of one voice that shot with deadly precision straight to her core, a voice that made her want to fight.

He always made her want to fight.


He was yelling about something. He was very upset, almost enraged. She had to see him, make sure he was alright. He needed her.

Opening her eyes, Kahlan dazedly looked around the room, taking in her surroundings. She was in their suite, their bed. She was home.

Her hands instantly went to her belly, anxious to know about her babies. Her stomach was flat again just like it had been before she came to be with the twins. Where were her daughters now? She stifled a frantic sob at the thought of something happening to her girls, the sudden panic of not knowing where they were.


She had to find him. He wouldn't let anything happen to their daughters. He would keep them safe at any cost.

Pulling back the covers, Kahlan groaned as she sat up on the edge of the bed. The room became a twister of colors and shapes before her eyes, spinning wildly. Steadying herself with one hand, she rubbed her eyes with the others, pulling a strand of hair behind her ear. Her head was pounding like a thousand drums beating in unison. There was a rushing like wind in her ears as bile rose up in the back of her throat.

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