Chapter 1

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Gotham; May 1st, 23:06 EST

She stood in the dark shadows in the far corner of room with her arms folded against her chest, her back pressed up against the wall. She was a silent observer, watching as the man being held by his arms pleaded for his life, promising anything and everything he could possibly think of if they would just let him live.

She appeared completely impassive, clearly unimpressed by his woeful pleading. Her expression could be described as bored at best as a large fist connected with the pleading man's gut with a sickening thud.

"I told you already! I don't know nothin'!" The man yelled as he sagged against the hold the two men had on his arms, struggling to regain the breath that had just been knocked out of his lungs.

"Come on." The large man standing in front of him said with a thick accent. "You work with the Penguin and you're telling me that you know nothing about what he's up to?"

"I'm nobody important! I... I swear!"

"You make deliveries for the Penguin." The man standing before him reminded him. "That makes you very important to us."

"But... but... he doesn't tell me nothin'." He tried to explain only to receive another fist to the gut.

"You have to have been told something or how else could you make your deliveries? What is it that you're delivering?"

"I... I'm never told!" He claimed with gasping breaths, growing more hysterical by the second. "I just drive the delivery truck! That's all!"

"What are you delivering?" The large man towering over him demanded to know as he tightly gripped his chin.

"I don't know... I don't know..." He begins to sob the words over and over again, tears streaming down his face. "Please... let me go. I don't know... I swear on my life I don't know."

The Columbian man looked up from the pitiful henchman groveling at his feet to the woman he knew was standing in the corner observing the whole interrogation. He watched as she slowly nodded her head at him before turning to leave, the distinct sound of her stiletto heels clicking steadily along the cement floor and echoing down the long, dark hallway.

While she wouldn't have minded sticking around to watch, she had some place she needed to be right then. It was time to put the rest of her plans into motions, plans that Batman wouldn't see coming before it was far too late to stop it.

Wayne Manor; May 2nd, 18:52 EST

Nicholas sat on the floor of the game room playing with his Lego's, his stuffed bunny lying right beside him and well within

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