Chapter 18: the Fifth Brother

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"Three days ago, our best pilots, Moran and Greez missed their check-in," San Dersen, one of Merrin's lieutenants, explained. Kallus and the rest of the Ghost crew were huddled around a holotable in a situation room underneath the landing pad. "They were picking someone up from Naboo's third moon when their ship went missing, just a few hours after the pick up."

Cal was sitting on a bench behind Kanan, as Kata stood nearby, hands joined behind her back in a parade stance. He could sense the ginger Jedi's uneasiness about the situation.

"So, the Stinger Mantis was sent to investigate, Marshall Merrin and Lieutenant Hytho Pixx were on the case, this was their last transmission," Dersen pressed a button and the holoprojection changed from a map of the route Moran took to a transmission. There was the screech of a klaxon as a woman fumbled with the comms, "Stinger Mantis to Saloon Home, we've been pulled out of hyperspace!" Merrin cried, another voice, Pixx, added to her plea, "reporting two light cruisers, a Star Destroyer, no wait, what- what is that?"

"Cal!" Merrin cried, "you must protect the—" her voice was cut out by the sound of cannons slamming against the Mantis' shields.

"Their communications were jammed," Dersen explained as the transmission ended, "We don't understand how they could have pulled Moran's shuttle out of hyperspace, much less the Mantis. Even a Cantwell's tractor beams can't lock onto a target when they're in hyperspace."

"We know why, that wasn't an ordinary Star Destroyer," Zeb confirmed.

Sabine asked Dersen if she could provide some information, then nudged Chopper who inserted his scomp link into the table.

"That was an Interdictor, it has gravity well generators that can pull ships out of hyperspace," Sabine explained, and the holotable buzzed again as Chopper brought up a visual of the kind of ship that had ambushed the Mantis.

"Glad Cal chose a team who knows what they're dealing with," Dersen offered Cal a smile.

"Last we encountered one, it was just a prototype," Sabine said.

"Sounds like the Empire went through with mainline production, the Rebellion would want to hear about this. They may have the resources to retrieve your missing ships if we tell them," Hera said.

"Wait," Cal began, "I'd... I'd appreciate it if we were selective about what information we give the greater Rebellion."

"Why's that?" Kallus asked, a hint of apprehension in his voice, "What are we really dealing with here, Cal?"

Cal licked his lips as he tried to gather his thoughts, "there's more at stake here than just Merrin's life and the others... there's... there's the kid, too."

"What kid?" Kallus asked. Kanan resisted the urge to snap his head towards the man.

"Cal told you that Moran and Greez were smuggling cargo when they were intercepted?" Kata asked for confirmation.

Kanan nodded.

"Cal, we need to tell them," Dersen prompted gently.

"I know," Cal sighed as BD-1 whistled quietly on his shoulder, "but please, whatever I tell you next can't get out to the greater Rebellion. I can't... I can't let that information leave Koboh."

"Cal, what is so secretive you can't let us tell Andor, or even Senator Organa?" Hera asked.

Cal took a steady breath then spoke clearly, "The precious cargo that was intercepted by the Empire wasn't holocrons or relics. It was a person."

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