Chapter 26: the Kyber Crystal

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The next morning, Kanan woke up with a jolt. So much so he startled Hera beside him.

"Kanan? What's wrong?" Hera asked groggily, she rubbed her eyes but the warm embrace of sleep quickly fell from her skin and the star within her was just as awake and full as his own.

"You can't hear that?" Kanan threw off the blanket and got his clothes, mask and boots on.

"Hear what?" Hera quickly changed into her jumpsuit, alert and ready for anything and followed Kanan out of the room, knocking on the doors to wake the others as Kanan dashed ahead.

Out the Ghost, down the landing pad ramp to the Koboh dirt, around the saloon to its main door. Kanan followed the sound in his soul. A grating, pained screech that lacerated his heart like shattered glass. Someone was screaming Cal's name.

Kanan didn't know if it was Koboh's humidity or his own anxiety that made him break out in a sweat as he waited for the gatekeeper droid to let him into the saloon. Every second behind that door was one Cal could be in danger!

But the air in the cantina was cool and relaxed. The scent of fresh fruit and popping tunes floated through the early morning atmosphere.

There were two Jedi at the bar; Kata's dawnlight and another Kanan didn't recognise right away. But it felt impossibly familiar. Like the sunrise through the stained glass windows of the Temple on Coruscant. The man had the air of a true Jedi... Kanan gave Kata a light wave.

"Good morning, Kanan," Kata greeted softly as she offered him a seat near them by the bar.

"Kanan Jarrus, it's a pleasure to finally meet you. I've heard of your exploits in the Lothal sector. It's good to see another Jedi helping those in need," the man said. The voice was comforting, reassuring, it sounded like home. There was a lightsaber at his belt that sang kindness and care right into his soul.

"Kanan, this is my Jedi Master," Kata explained, "Master Beq."


Master. Kelleran. Beq.

The name conjured memories from the Temple; of racing between classes and getting gentle reminders to slow down, of exercising with his clan in the courtyard by the Great Tree or being guided through meditation in the Room of a Thousand Fountains.

Master Kelleran Beq.

Kanan remembered the first time he recited the Jedi Code without having to read it, when the words he'd dedicate the rest of his life to were etched into his heart and mind, Master Beq was there to guide him on his next step on his journey.

"Master Beq!" Kanan stammered, his breath stalled in his lungs, "you're here?!"

"You seem familiar, and Cal told me you were at the Temple. But I apologise, I don't quite remember a 'Kanan' in the creches I was responsible for," Master Beq explained. Gentle. Calm. Humble. Respectable. Noble, with elegance and grace. Everything a Jedi was supposed to be, it was right here in front of Kanan.

"I... I changed my name, Master. You taught my creche, you took care of me," Kanan gasped, "I was once Caleb. I mean... I am Caleb Dume," the name flew from his lips and he felt tears well in his eyes.

"Ah! Now I see. Caleb! Depa's curious boy," Master Beq delighted, the sun in his soul was soothing and glowing at the revelation, "Caleb, you've grown into such a wise and noble Jedi Knight! Master Depa Billaba would be so proud!"

Kanan quickly clapped a hand over his mouth before he could bombard the Jedi Master with questions. Of all the Masters, Knights and other learners in the Temple who found his constant inquiries annoying, only two found it endearing and encouraged him. The Jedi who took him on as an Apprentice, Master Depa Billaba and one of the crechemasters who had raised him since he was a toddler, Master Kelleran Beq. He couldn't stop the tears from flowing down his cheeks, peeking out from under his mask.

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