Chapter 30: the Hope

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Kanan sat in his room in quiet meditation as the Ghost hurtled through hyperspace towards their destination, a hidden world known as Weyland. Their target was the stronghold of Dr. Hemlock, a scientist of the Empire's Advanced Science Division. Tech, based on his previous dealings with the man, was confident that whatever prisoners were brought to Mount Tantiss would be kept alive as long as possible. Their target was the stronghold of Dr. Royce Hemlock, a scientist of the Empire's Advanced Science Division. Tech, based on his previous dealings with the man, had informed the Ghost crew that whatever prisoners were brought to Mount Tantiss would be kept alive as long as possible. At least Clone Force 99 was confident in the current state of their mission. According to Cal, Dr. Hemlock was currently leading an Imperial cloning program and collaborating with the Inquisitorius to obtain suitable test subjects and was determined to bring his people home by any means necessary.

Kanan still shivered as he thought about how Cal obtained his information from the purge trooper commander. He was still reeling from the fact such a class of stormtroopers existed; a whole organisation of stormtroopers specifically trained to combat Jedi alongside or in lieu of Inquisitors, and how Cal dealt with them. It pained Kanan to think about how long Cal had been fighting this specific threat alone.

Kanan shook his head as he tried to clear his mind and calm his breathing. The Ghost crew and Cal's team, San Dersen and Kata, had gone over the rescue plan. They would expect resistance, of course, the Empire was holding Force-sensitives in this fortress and Cal's status was still so hot. If the Empire didn't think him dead yet, they may be expecting them. But the Spectres had done similar operations dozens of times before. Kanan had every confidence in his family... and Cal promised he wouldn't toe that line towards the Dark but he wondered if the Ghost crew weren't there to support him, if the children's lives wouldn't be put into more jeopardy if he did, would all the blinking markers Cal had put on the map become targets to another rampage? Cal had murdered that many people before, he could do it again.

Kanan took a deep breath in. Held it. Released.

He'd already warned Ezra what he might see if Cal had to ignite his lightsaber while on Weyland, he hoped his Padawan wouldn't have to experience all that again.

A breath in. Held it. Released.

"Kanan?" Kata knocked on his door and called his name softly, "We're less than an hour out, we'll be dropping from hyperspace soon."

"I'll be right out," Kanan said as he lifted out of his meditative stance and shook out his limbs.

"Can I talk to you about something?" Kata asked once Kanan's door whooshed open.

She reminded him at times of Ezra, a lost Padawan orphaned by the Empire. Her light was soft and gentle, her connection to the Force seemed more subtle than his own relationship to it.

"Your team being here is already a great help," she began, her voice was bright and warm, "I'm really, very grateful you're all still here."

"Thanks, Kata," Kanan forced a smile.

"It took a lot for Cal to admit he needed help. But he knew he could trust you, so I do, too," Kata returned. Her boots squeaked on the metal floors as she rubbed her feet in place.

"I'll be right by his side when we get to the mountain," Kanan reassured her, "we'll get your family back, I promise."

"I really hope Merrin is okay," Kata admitted.

"Cal said she's the strongest person he knows, she knows how to handle herself in a fight," Kanan encouraged.

"She does. She's teaching me. And they're a team, it's just," Kata licked her lips as she ordered the words in her mind, "I really hope Merrin is okay, so that Cal will be, too."

"What do you mean by that, Kata?" Kanan asked.

"I was really young when my Mama died, but I still remember her," Kata said slowly, softly, "and I remember what Papa was like back then... but after the Inquisitors killed her, he changed. I don't want that to happen to Cal."

A sudden chill struck Kanan that wasn't just the cold of hyperspace. He'd seen what Cal was capable of if his ward or his son were in danger... he didn't want to imagine what Cal could do if his wife were hurt. He didn't want to think about the Jedi Order's rules about attachments... or how it seemed he and Cal had taken different approaches with that doctrine. He didn't want to tell Kata how much he thought Cal had already changed from the boy he knew at the Temple.

"It had been a while since you last saw him, other than on Attalon, right?" Kata asked as if she could feel his thoughts anyway. "What was he like... when he was mine and Ezra's age? Or... wait, no... younger..."

"Hmmm," Kanan let the door to his room slide closed and leaned on it. A flash of ginger hair, freckles like stars and bright green eyes, the younger 'Caleb' was in a different clan than he was, but the boy with psychometry always seemed to hide out in the library while Caleb was eager to explore the Temple with his seemingly boundless energy. "I remember he was pretty shy, but kind. He was always helping out in the library," Kanan said.

"Oh, so, kind of like how he is now," Kata offered sweetly, "but I think he's less shy now."

Kanan stifled a laugh.

"I hope so."

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