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Morning never came any faster, nor had afternoon.

Technically, the surgery is at three afternoon, which will be half an hour before then.

Sun sat over the operating bed, clothes changed back to the green gown, and fidgeting anxiously with his hands. The room was far too bright for them to see well and the smell made it feel so spacious, yet, at the same time, very much closing on them.

You stood beside them with Freddy, talking over something Sun didn't have the mental capacity to understand at the moment, too caught up in his anxiety.

It felt like everything was happening too fast— they almost sworn it was still morning and they just woke up. But no, this was happening no matter what their mind tried to trick them otherwise.

A figure suddenly blocked the lights off and Sun looked up, finding a nurse in front of them. Focusing in a little more, they find her trying to place a mask over their face, which promotes Sun to cling up to you.

"It's anesthesia," The nurse says, voice muffled behind her mask, and holding the mask for show.

Sun swallowed. The noises and smells and bright lights helped none with his fear— it crawled up their limbs like small insects, promoting a shiver down their spine. The coldness of the place didn't help either.

Looking up, Sun squeezes your arm, urgently asking for your presence— you knew better, you always seem to know better. He can trust that. He can trust if it is okay or not.

You're here. He can feel that. You are here, it will be fine, you'll protect them even in the vulnerable state anesthesia will put them under.

Sun can trust that. Maybe even Moon can too.

"Hey," You lean over to them, cutting the conversation with Freddy. "It'll be alright, okay? I will be by your side when you wake up. We can solve everything else later, you just have to be strong." You whisper, tone light. "Imagine this as a first step to a new chapter in your life. A final boss fight in your game. You've gone so far to turn back now, especially when there are so many new chances waiting for you."

Sun listens, but he doesn't look up— It was too bright, even if that wasn't the reason.

Though, just listening to your voice seemed to make their tense shoulders relax. They were still scared, still afraid of everything outside of their comfort zone, but at least you were here. You were here and you promised you'd stay here. He can trust that— he and Moon can try.

First steps.

They can start a new chapter, as you said. They can forget what happened and try to make a new chapter empty of any fear and worries.

First steps.

A new hope. A new chance. Something they can hold on to, something they can hold on to and know that tomorrow would be better. No more fears or punishments or cruel people to ruin everything.

There was too much to solve and think about, but they still had to take the first step to solve said problems.

Relaxing back to lie on the bed, Sun gives a small gesture so the nurse can continue her work, hooking up the mask over them.

"Breathe slow and normal," She promotes, opening the gas slowly as she speaks.

The smell and taste of said gas made Sun cringe— it was almost like inhaling disinfectants, but they force themselves to stay put, holding your hand tightly.

My Baby (Sun/Moon x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now