Tickles and Night Kisses

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It was an overwhelming feeling, to have everything always bottled up against your well. It ached and burned underneath skin and bone like a beast thrusting for power.

Moon didn't like it. Neither of them did.

All the memories and feelings and hurt would grow, something akin to how trees would root to the ground. He gripped his soft soft hair, fingers scratching over tinder tinder rays, leaning their weight on the sink as their sickened image looked back at them. Red dull eyes looking so lifeless and hollow.

The rotting feeling grew— it hurt so much but it felt like a barrier was stopping it from finally reaching its peak. The growing pain continued to fester on them like a hungry animal, biting and scratching. Moon leaned further in, unable to support their weight with such a weak leg. Why couldn't they sleep? The memories of nightmares that had happened still lingered, pounding on a weak door that Moon could not keep close. Or, in this case, open.

The night was slow, like a mockery of their inability to sleep. Their body ached for rest as their heart cried for relief. How selfish, after everything you had done for them, they still felt somber— like every attempt you make was useless. As useless as their leg. How could they make you feel that way? That your hard tries were spent on things like them? Shameful and selfish they were.

The ache grew, Moon chased it to peak. He wanted it to snap, wanted all those kept emotions to burst so he could finally walk without the burden of them over his shoulders. But no matter how much he runs after it, it always seems so far away, just out of his reach— taunting his inability.

Red eyes looked at the mirror, their color reflecting back at him in an almost sinister way. The bags under their eyes grew heavier, their arms began to weaken.

The tears never came— that satisfying feeling of crying all the hurt urges out. It never blessed them with its appearance.

The hurt and anger were soon uncontrollably bottled up— locked in a jar where the heat of pain still burns, a reminder that it still craves for something, but still out of reach. The pain is still there, but without the ability to calm it down, so, numbness started to settle in instead. It got rotten and heavy like the smell of welted roses over dead bodies. Moon grabbed over the sweater in a tight fist, hearing their heart beat against their sternum. It aches for the warmth of freeing these bad and hurt feelings, but their mind is unable to let go.

The night went on, coldness seemed to wash over their weak body. No tears came, all dried up before they could even form. The heat still burned inside, so strong that things around it began to burn. The place was in ashes, so much so that, if they so wished to move, the air would be filled with flying dust and ash so thick it would suffocate them. And Moon almost choked, but no tears still.

They lean away from the mirror, letting their gaze wander somewhere else till it landed on their crutch.

Moon was tired. He was so very tired. It became hard to even try to use this thing. He slumped over, if just a tad, leaning against the sink. He was so, so tired he wanted to just lay down on the bathroom's cold floor— but he knew he wouldn't be able to sleep. He isn't that lucky to have sleep come to him easily.

The crutch seemed to taunt him, laughing something sarcastic. Moon wanted to be angry or sad or even happy! But nothing. Only numbness will take its place if he ever overused those intense emotions. Like now, where he stood in the dark space, he had gotten angry so much that their mind decided to strip them of all the other emotions— maybe it was a punishment. Maybe they deserved it.

Moon spares a glance at their leg— or lack, therefore. It seemed to stare back, as if saying it was all their fault they had to lose it.

They had watched it rot and suffered through all the pain it caused them till it became numb— just like them. And now, it's gone. The surgeons had to remove it or else the infection would spread to their body, rotting it.

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